“When the insane daring of the innovators rose up, and morals were in steep decline, He raised up Lawrence to defend what was under attack, to avenge what had been destroyed, and to promote that which was conducive to the salvation of all.”

July 21 is the Feast of Saint Laurence of Brindisi. He famously once led an army of 18,000 men to total victory over a hoard of 80,000 muslims invading Hungary. He is also know for his preaching, for conversions, and for his tireless defense of orthodoxy. St. Laurence, pray for us.

Saint Lorenzo da Brindisi was declared a Doctor of the Church by Saint John XXIII in 1959. Let us appreciate more who this great saint and Doctor of the Church really was through the words of Pope St John XXIII’s apostolic letter Celsitudo ex humilitate, which highlights some of reasons why Saint Lorenzo is suited to be a Doctor of the Church:

Oh, the inestimable affection of the love of Christ, Who never has never allowed Himself to be lacking to the Church, His Bride, and finds present remedies for the evils that are hurled against her. When the insane daring of the innovators rose up, and the Catholic name was attacked by hostile assaults, when the Faith was languishing in many places among the Christian people, and morals were in steep decline, He raised up Lawrence to defend what was under attack, to avenge what had been destroyed, and to promote that which was conducive to the salvation of all. And since wicked plagues are again being introduced, and men are being ensnared by the inventions of false beliefs and other corruptions, it is useful that this many be placed in a brighter light, so that the Christian faithful may be confirmed towards what is right by the glory of his virtues, and nourished by the precepts of his salutary teaching. Therefore, just as Rome boasts of Lawrence, Christ’s unconquered champion, who by the most dire torments which he suffered, increased the strength of the Church as She was rent by persecution, so Brindisi is held in honor for begetting another Lawrence, who strengthened Her by his zeal for religion and the abundance of his talents as she was afflicted by evil from within and from without.


2 thoughts on ““When the insane daring of the innovators rose up, and morals were in steep decline, He raised up Lawrence to defend what was under attack, to avenge what had been destroyed, and to promote that which was conducive to the salvation of all.””

  1. NVP: *Saint* John XXIII? Blessed yes, since a legitimate pontiff did in fact beatify him. But can you name any pontiff that canonized him?

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