Is a layman bound under pain of sin to suspend his rational intellect and submit to a public heretic?


Good grief. We are not even to associate with heretics, let alone submit ourselves to heretics. Which means laymen are indeed required to judge for themselves who is a heretic, so that we might not associate with them. This isn’t hard. Read anything before Vatican II. And don’t get me wrong, Feser is very, very smart. Take that as you may.

This is going to get wild.

The Exaltation of the Holy Cross… the triumphant joy of learning to love your own cross

Originally posted

Pick up your cross daily, and follow Him. Learn how to USE your suffering, cooperating with grace, to unite your cross to His Cross. It’s the only way.  Exaltation/Exultation (I’ve seen it both ways) literally means Triumphant Joy. This needs to be our attitude toward our cross and His Cross; it’s our path to holiness. Blessed feast.

INTROIT Gal. 6:14
But it is fitting that we should glory in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, in whom is salvation, life, and resurrection for us, by whom we are saved and delivered. Ps. 66:2. May God have mercy on us and bless us; may He let His face shine upon us; and may He have mercy upon us.

Fifth Apparition at Fatima (September 13, 1917)

“Despite the ridicule and jokes of the secular, atheistic press, more than 30,000 people gathered in the Cova for the September apparition.”

Whether drawn by devotion or curiosity, they prayed the rosary while awaiting the arrival of the visionaries and their vision. When at least the time came they could hear Lúcia say,

“What do you want of me?”

Continue the Rosary, my children. Say it every day that the war may end. In October Our Lord will come, as well as Our Lady of Sorrows and Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Saint Joseph will appear with the Child Jesus to bless the world.

God is pleased with your sacrifices, but He does not want you to wear the cords to bed. Keep them on during the day.

“I have the petitions of many for your help. Will you assist a little girl who is deaf and dumb?”

She will improve within the year.

“And the conversions that some have asked to have brought about? The cures of the sick ones?”

Some I will cure, and some I will not. In October I will perform a miracle so that all may believe.

With these last words still ringing in their ears, the Lady rose and disappeared in the heavens, as Lúcia called to the crowd, “If you wish to see her — look! Look!”

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.

When Prots conspire with Muslims to capture Vienna, who you gonna call?

(Originally posted September 12, 2020)

Blessed Feast of the Holy Name of Mary! This great feast was suppressed in 1970, but restored By Pope JPII in 2002. So it is on both calendars today.

In the Fall of 1683, the Muslim Turks were poised to overrun Vienna. Demands were made to convert to Islam, pay the jizya, or die. After a two month siege in which the city was starved, its walls had finally been breached. The Calvinist leader of the Hungarian revolt had pledged allegiance to the Turks, and persuaded the Hungarian army to desist. The Austrian emperor fled, along with 60,000 Viennese. The treasure that awaited the invaders was vast. So the Grand Mustafa prepared to launch the final assault to take the city. But first, he inaugurated the festivities by executing 30,000 Catholic prisoners. It was September 11, 1683, and it was for this reason that 9/11 was chosen in 2001.

The following day, King John Sobieski of Poland, leaving his own country totally undefended, entered the battle. Along with his Hussar cavalry, he lead additional forces from Germany, and was backed by the Habsburgs and the pope. Heavily outnumbered 75,000 Catholics to 150,000 Muslims, the Holy Name of Mary was invoked to aid in procuring a miracle.

Whole books have been written about this battle, so if you have interest, have at it. Spoiler alert, the decisive action was Sobieski himself leading 3000 Hussars and 15,000 additional heavy cavalry straight into the fight and routing the exhausted Muslim forces, in the largest cavalry charge in the history of warfare.

In the sky at that moment, a cloud obscured the crescent moon.

The strategic importance of the victory cannot be overstated. Had Vienna fallen to the Muslims, you wouldn’t be reading this right now. The Protestant Revolt had torn the fabric of Europe so badly at that point, there is no way it could have united itself to withstand a huge invading force operating with Vienna as a beach head.

In thanksgiving, Pope Innocent XI moved the Feast of the Holy Name of Mary from the Sunday after the Nativity of the BVM to the fixed date of 12th of September, and ordered it’s celebration in the Universal Church.

Virgin Most Powerful, pray for us.

“Our Lady knows exactly why we’re bleeding…”

Our Lady knows exactly why we’re bleeding, And, better than anyone else, what we are needing.

By Bishop Richard Williamson

Both at Fatima in Portugal in 1917 and at Akita in Japan in 1973 Our Lady said that only She can help us henceforth. In Akita She added, “from the imminent calamities,” the calamities hanging over our heads. If anybody has been watching events in the Ukraine over the last two years, he must be blind, either naturally or wilfully, not to see a nuclear Third World War coming, and bringing with it calamities without number. Our Lady of Akita also told Sister Agnes Sasagawa that all those who put their confidence in Her will be saved, by which She almost certainly meant, saved for eternity and not just for this brief life on earth, which is so much less important.

In any case it is Our Lord Himself – in complete control of coming world events and allowing the calamities only for our own greater good – who has told us that to reward His Mother for the special part She has played in the saving of souls, especially in modern times, He wants it to be the Immaculate Heart of Mary which will take the credit among men for the eventual rescue of mankind from its present dire straits. For indeed mankind will be rescued in the Triumph of Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart, a brief Golden Age for the Church, following on the Chastisement, and constituting the greatest world-wide victory of Our Lord’s Church in all its history. Then sin will return, with the run-down to the Antichrist and to the fiercest persecution of Christians, generating some of the greatest Saints in all Church history.

Into this cosmic drama preceding the end of the world fits Our Lady as its queen and our guide, as appointed by Her Divine Son Himself. At Akita half a century ago, She did warn us, like a good mother, of “fire falling from Heaven which will eliminate a large part of mankind, both the good and the bad, sparing neither priests nor laity, and leaving survivors so desolate that they will envy the dead. At that moment you will have two weapons left: the Rosary, and the sign left by My Son (It is not yet certain in what that sign consists). Pray the Rosary for the Pope, for bishops and priests.” Indeed the primary problem today of our storm-tossed Church and world is the defection of the Catholic churchmen, deceived by the diabolical Second Vatican Council of the 1960’s…