What could go wrong? Pfizer asks FDA for Emergency Use Authorization for Vaccine…

I’m sure it is totally tested, totally effective, no shortcuts, no side effects, totally safe…

Pfizer said Friday it is asking U.S. regulators to allow emergency use of its COVID-19 vaccine, starting the clock on a process that could bring limited first shots as early as next month and eventually an end to the pandemic — but not until after a long, hard winter.

The action comes days after Pfizer Inc. and its German partner BioNTech announced that its vaccine appears 95% effective at preventing mild to severe COVID-19 disease in a large, ongoing study.

The companies said that protection plus a good safety record means the vaccine should qualify for emergency use authorization, something the Food and Drug Administration can grant before the final testing is fully complete. In addition to Friday’s FDA submission, they have already started “rolling” applications in Europe and the U.K. and intend to submit similar information soon.

“Our work to deliver a safe and effective vaccine has never been more urgent,” Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said in a statement.


3 thoughts on “What could go wrong? Pfizer asks FDA for Emergency Use Authorization for Vaccine…”

  1. Um, hard pass. No thanks.

    There’s no need for a vaccine. If my 80 year old grandmother with every comorbidity in the book (except obesity) can beat it, anyone can. Either that or she had something else and they called it COVID for numbers.

    Anyway, Doctors have a blueprint for treating more severe cases. Treated with steroids or blood thinners, depending on symptoms.

  2. For a pharmaceutical company, the ideal medicine treats the symptoms, not the cause, cures nothing, must be retaken frequently in perpetuity, and comes with a host of side-effects requiring their own treatment.

    The ideal human being is in other words a sodomite with AIDS.

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