The following commentary with suggested intercessors is in response to the post about Sidney Powell “unleashing the Kraken:” Sorry the formatting is a little wonky. PRAY PRAY PRAY. We need to storm Heaven!
Paul Jackson says: Let us pray that the message will get out.Given the Deep State, Oligopolist Infotech and Marxist Media’s strangleholds, that is by no means a certainty.Some Patron Saints whose intercession we can seek follow.
- St Bernadine of Siena Advertisers
St Francis de Sales Journalists
St Gabriel, Archangel Communications workers, postal workers, broadcasters, messengers, radio/television workers, diplomats, ambassadors
St Genesius Attorneys, barristers, lawyers
St Gregory the Great Teachers
St Ignatius of Loyola Educators
St Isidore of Seville Computer scientists, software engineers, computer programmers, computer technicians, computer users
St Jerome Librarians, translators
St John Baptist de la Salle Christian teachers, educators
St John Bosco Editors, printers, publishers
St John of Capistrano Jurists
St John of God Booksellers
St John the Evangelist Editors, authors
St Lawrence Librarians, archivists, comedians
St Luke the Evangelist Doctors, surgeons, artists, painters, notaries
St Matthew the Evangelist Accountants, bookkeepers, custom agents, security guards
St Michael the Archangel Soldiers, police officers, security officers
St Nicholas of Myra The falsely accused
St Patrick Paralegals Paul Jackson says: St Peter of Alcantara Guards
St Thomas the Apostle Politicians
St Thomas Aquinas Students, teachers, academics
St Thomas More Politicians, statesmen, lawyers, civil servants, court clerks
St Veronica Photographers
St Vitus Comedians, dancers
St Yves LawyersLet us storm Heaven with our prayers!Cathy says: I would ask St. Ignatius de Loyola to bring along his sword and give them a good smack with it. >_<
susan says: EditOH PLEASE GOD!, MAY IT BE SO!!!!
We are going to need divine intervention to make it happen. Note Don McClarey, The American Catholic, remarks on Trump legal team Press Conference:
It is a great pity that President Trump appears to be relying mainly on lawyers, rather than the full panoply of advertising, art, design, education, media and public relations and other professionals – to which Patron Saints I proposed intercessions.
On 10 November, a Just the News Daily Poll
With Scott Rasmussen indicated that only 49% of those polled believed Biden legitimately won the election.
Translating the necessarily tedious detail of affidavits, depositions and other legal filings into charts, graphics, slogans etc that the average voter can relate to, recall, redistribute and respond to could easily tip that 49% lower, to a level at which remedial actions would need to be taken by those that need to take them.