Entire state of California one step away from Martial Law; Governor Newsom says 56% of residents will be infected



The state of California is about to go under a “shelter in place” order announced on Thursday by Governor Gavin Newsom. He calls this an “open ended” order and says he will not put a time frame on how long it could last. He says the next eight weeks are critical for controlling the spread of the virus. The Governor says more than half of all Californians could, eventually, be infected with the Coronavirus.

He says 56% of people living in the state will get it, which would be more than 20-million people.

The shelter-in-place rules will be similar to those already in effect in Fresno, the Bay Area, and other California counties and cities. Governor Gavin Newsom made that announcement around 6:45 p.m. on Thursday, March 19. He says a list of exempt and non-exempt businesses will be released “soon”.

He says he is worried that there won’t be enough hospital beds for all of the victims if nothing is done right now. He says if California acts strongly right now he feels the state can keep the number of victims under the number of hospital beds. He said, “let’s bend the curve together”.

7 thoughts on “Entire state of California one step away from Martial Law; Governor Newsom says 56% of residents will be infected”

  1. The collective insanity of our politicians is astonishing.

    How Newsom can make such a prediction is beyond me. It’s akin to Germany’s Merkel saying essentially the same thing.

    If the new treatment is effective, as studies are showing, CCP virus will fade quickly as a way to grab power.

  2. San Fran: high Chinese population, high number of homeless in the streets and high HIV positives suggests a most vulnerable population. Put the homeless in institutions first off Mr Newsom, ….any suggestions for the other groups? But do not force others, trying who live a normal life, into a cage by mandating such restriction of movement. We are being herded like sheep at every turn. Isn’t it time to say STOP to these tactics .

  3. Gavin Newsome. If you look at his resume you’ll see that he was mayor of San Francisco 2004-11. Today, San Francisco is literally a Petri dish of filth. I don’t doubt that a lot of people in that city are and have been really sick with all sorts of bacteria induced nasties. What the governor will never admit though is that under his leadership, San Francisco accelerated its plummet from a postcard city into an open sewer.

      1. The wages of sin is death. Those who reject the Transcendental should not be surprise when they lose virtue, truth, beauty, and eventually existence. But we always are.

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