This may be the gayest headline and article I have ever seen

As I nervously made my way to MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, N.J., on Memorial Day weekend for Taylor Swift’s second show in the Garden State, I felt a queasiness I could not quell. It was a feeling of both anticipation and terror: anticipation for the night I had been waiting for for so long and terror (yes, real terror) that it might not live up to my sky-high expectations.

It reminded me, oddly enough, of going to church.

There’s a ritualistic safety to Mass. You always know what’s going to come next, no matter who is celebrating it or what church you happen to find yourself in. I remember on vacations attending Mass at local parishes, it always started out a bit awkward; but eventually I melted into the familiar words and rhythms, feeling at home and secure. The only truly nerve wracking part is the homily. With an unfamiliar priest in an unfamiliar parish, you always run the risk that you may not like what this particular priest has to say.

That day I spent in New Jersey, Taylor Swift would be my pastor, MetLife Stadium my parish, and the Swiftie community of the tri-state area my congregation. There would be familiarity there, and safety, but also uncertainty: Could it possibly be as good as I’d hoped?

I arrived at the venue a few hours early. Much as I would approach going to Mass in an unfamiliar parish, I wanted to get there ahead of time, try not to stand out and let the ceremony itself ease me into my surroundings.

Thankfully, Swifties may well be the most welcoming group of people I have ever encountered. As friend groups began to mingle in front of one of the many entrances to the stadium, a Swiftie carrying a massive bag of friendship bracelets began asking everyone if they would like to trade. Each of the bracelets was emblazoned with the title of one of Swift’s many songs or otherwise a reference to Swift herself or her personal lore. In the rush of people, I traded a “Last Great American Dynasty” for an “Anti-Hero,” a “Paper Rings” for “All Too Well (10 Minute Version)” and a bunch of others.

As conversations started to flow easily about favorite songs, album rankings and especially shared disdain for Swift’s brief romantic dalliance with Matty Healy, my fear and anxiety started to disappear…

If you can stand it, he’s not even close to being done:

7 thoughts on “This may be the gayest headline and article I have ever seen”

  1. Sparkle ponies and OMG it was like so totes like tweets for everyone after the show, including KCR.
    Now with vocoder.

  2. Those “concerts” are luciferian, MKUltra-style brainwashing sessions. No wonder that minds and souls turned into mush liken them to masses, especially the “pop masses” of the NuChurch.

    1. Yes, these concerts are luciferian. Popular music is for the most part a spiritual evil. It’s hard to get away from old music you grew up on, until you stop and realize what an insidious effect the words and rhythms and textures can have on your practice of the presence of God and interior peace. Concerts and videos are worse still with immodest dress and actions. Fortunately there are centuries of beautiful music available to counter this influence.

  3. This is pathetic and scandalous if not blasphemous. The Jesuits should be ashamed to publish such offensive material. How does this help save souls?

  4. Amazing how “he” completely omits the Source and Summit or our Faith. Completely modernistic and protestant in mindset. Incredible. Can we lump him in with the other 90% of “catholics” who don’t believe in the Real Presence? It seems as though me may, in fact, be able to do so.

  5. I wonder if Kevin has thought of a career in the army. He’d have a meteoric rise through the ranks.

  6. As far as I know, the SSPX still maintains the NO religion is a danger to the faith so….seeing as he’s comparing it to the NO religion, I don’t see much of a problem. It’s actually quite accurate and maybe even providential. 🤭

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