12 year old girl gets approval for breast removal after 30 minute consult with butcher

By Zachary Stieber

A hospital and doctors in California are facing a new lawsuit for removing the breasts of a 13-year-old girl after she claimed she was a boy.

The defendants carried out “ideological and profit-driven medical abuse” when they prescribed her puberty blockers and hormones and, later, performed a double mastectomy, Charles LiMandri, one of the lawyers representing the plaintiff, Layla Jane, said in a statement.

Jane, now 18, was influenced by people online when she was just 11 and told her parents that she was a boy, prompting them to ask for guidance from doctors.

While three doctors said Jane was too young for cross-sex hormones, she was eventually referred to several other doctors who prescribed her puberty blockers and hormones. Within six months, they removed her breasts.

The hormones and puberty blockers were given based on a single, 75-minute session with Susanne Watson, a psychologist, according to the suit. Dr. Winnie Tong, a plastic surgeon, concluded after a 30-minute session that Jane could have her breasts removed.

“Defendants did not question, elicit, or attempt to understand the psychological events that led Kayla to the mistaken belief that she was transgender, nor did they evaluate, appreciate, or treat her multi-faceted presentation of co-morbid symptoms,” the suit reads.

“Instead, Defendants assumed that Kayla, a twelve-year-old emotionally troubled girl, knew best what she needed to improve her mental health and figuratively handed her the prescription pad. There is no other area of medicine where doctors will surgically remove a perfectly healthy body part and intentionally induce a diseased state of the pituitary gland misfunction based simply on the young adolescent patient’s wishes.”…

Read the rest: https://www.theepochtimes.com/girl-sues-hospital-for-removing-her-breasts-at-age-13-post_5335492.html?


4 thoughts on “12 year old girl gets approval for breast removal after 30 minute consult with butcher”

  1. I would like to make a comment, beyond saying this is completely and obviously criminal and evil, but something is happening when I try to make a comment now. The sign in box freaks out and loses it’s S, so I’ll pass.

  2. This may be a ratty question in light of the inherent evil of the whole idea of elective surgery for self-mutilation, but…does insurance cover these insane procedures or is this out-of-pocket? It matters. If this is covered by insurance, I am paying for it and so are you. If it is covered by insurance, why aren’t insurance companies protesting? They stand to lose a lot, as do medical malpractice insurers.

    Please tell me our taxes are not being used for this.

  3. My question is what the hell were the parents thinking. The little girl was 12, 13 years old. Who took her to these crazy doctors, and went along with what they said? Who took her in for this mutilation? Not surgery – mutilation. Like the comment above, who paid for this?
    This is just crazy. God will not be mocked. This country is going to be called to a very severe reckoning.
    May God have mercy on us all

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