The Maid of Orleans, my birthday saint

St. Joan of Arc, convicted of heresy by Bishop Pierre Cauchon, a legitimate prelate of the Roman Catholic Church, along with a corrupt bench of judges. Burned at the stake at Rouen, 30 May, 1431.

“About Jesus Christ and the Church, I just know they are one in the same thing.”

“One life is all we have and we live it as we believe. But to surrender who you are and to live without belief is more terrible than dying – even more terrible than dying young.”

In response to the trick question as to whether she was in the state of grace: “If I am not, may God put me there; and if I am, may God so keep me.”

“It is better to be alone with God. His friendship will not fail me, nor His counsel, nor His love. In His strength, I will dare and dare and dare until I die.”

“You say that you are my judge; I do not know if you are; but take good heed not to judge me ill, because you would put yourself in great peril.”

“Children say that people are hung sometimes for speaking the truth.”

“Go forward bravely. Fear nothing. Trust in God; all will be well.”

“All battles are first won or lost in the mind.”


“I am not afraid, I was born to do this.”

Upon being chained to the stake: “Hold the Cross high, that I may see it through the flames.”

Her sentence was reversed and annulled by the Church in 1455. Beatified 11 April 1909. Canonized 16 May 1920.

St. Joan of Arc, pray for us.

4 thoughts on “The Maid of Orleans, my birthday saint”

  1. Belated happy birthday. God bless you and yours. Amazing woman Joan. What horrible evil possessed those men who had no Faith.

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