Dr. Mazza’s new book: Fatima, Pope Benedict’s “resignation,” and a bunch of real Catholic Answers for Truthers

Woohoo! Just in time for Lenten reading. You will want to buy several copies, for family and friends. Enjoy!



Volume I: Pope Benedict’s Resignation provides the touchstone for interpreting the most tumultuous and bewildering events in Church history: the “resignation” of Pope Benedict XVI and the subsequent “election” of Pope Francis. In this book, Mazza weaves historical and canonical insights to illuminate the explosive papal paradox– the era of two popes:

Why did Pope Benedict “flee” his post, leaving the flock to be fleeced by a “progressive” pontiff? Is it true that Benedict renounced only the “exercise” of the Roman bishop, not the papacy itself? (Is that even metaphysically possible?) Can a pope “be evil”? Can a legitimate Vicar of Christ abuse his power “against God” in an attempt to “demolish” Christ’s Church? And have any (or all) of these things ever been foretold?

This book explores Joseph Ratzinger’s public statements over six decades to determine what exactly Ratzinger renounced and what is irrevocable (to his mind) regarding the Petrine Munus. It elucidates Ratzinger’s ecclesiology, his conciliar belief that jurisdiction and sacrament always interpenetrate. It looks at the potential consequences upon the validity of Ratzinger’s renunciation should his views on “office as rite” and “office as jurisdiction” prove illusory. It also reveals what readers of the Third Secret of Fatima have divulged concerning that mysterious prophecy and the popes.

Was Pope Benedict St. Paul’s Katechon (2 Thess. 2) dislodged from “the center” to hasten the arrival of the age of Antichrist? Is this why Benedict resigned? And what exactly is a “Pope Emeritus”? Are these things foretold in the Third Secret of Fatima? Will the Church be ruled by an antipope in league with the forces of Antichrist? Has it already begun? And how on earth will the Church ever be able to extricate herself from such a ghastly predicament?

The startling answers to these compelling questions unfold in The Third Secret of Fatima and The Synodal Church: Volume I, Pope Benedict’s Resignation.


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