Antipope Bergoglio outlines plan for antichurch: “We must make this church different. This is the challenge, for a different church open to new elements”

God is so good. He always guides the way, and shows us right way and the wrong way. In this case, an antipope and the antichurch. He is shining a big bright light on it. Excuses are getting pretty thin.

“For I am the Lord, and I change not” – Mal 3:6

“Jesus Christ, yesterday, and today; and the same for ever.” – Heb 13:8

Glory Be to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be. Amen.

Hapless Francis Wants to Make “This Church Different”

“We must make this Church different. This is the challenge, for a different Church open to new elements,” Francis said at the October 9 opening of the Synodal Synods on Synodality.

Contradicting Christ (“the world hates you and hated me first”, John 15), he came up with the idea that “the Church needs more friendship with the world.” Francis paraphrased “the risks” with his usual empty buzzwords: “formalism,” “intellectualism,” “the temptation of complacency.”

Luxembourg Cardinal Hollerich, the synod’s relator general, confessed that he had “no idea” what kind of work instrument he will be writing, “The pages are blank.” Likely, he will find out soon that somebody else has done his job.

5 thoughts on “Antipope Bergoglio outlines plan for antichurch: “We must make this church different. This is the challenge, for a different church open to new elements””

  1. This anti-pope can do all he wishes, but to avail. God has all his moves in place, well ahead of the evil one and his henchmen. Stay calm, all is in God’s hands, stay truthful to Him. Just another move by bergoglio into the pit of fire. Unfortunately, what is left of my family, they support bergoglio and the covid cult religion. For Grandma and I, we see a splitting of the final bonds we have soon. We will unfortunately accept the outcome. Have a blessed Sunday, the best day of the week.

  2. “He isn’t the Pope, and never has been the Pope.”
    That one simple realization really helps “untie” a lot of the knots (well-meaning) people have found themselves in these last few years with Mr. Bergoglio.
    It’s like an obviously invalid marriage. It doesn’t matter how much of a mess the couple is in, kids, affairs, etc. The marriage never took place in the first place, so that whole issue isn’t in the equation to worry about. It’s a simple fix, not easy, but it is simple.

  3. The regime currently occupying the Vatican stands accused of many things but intellectualism definitely isn’t one of them.

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