Ivermectin success rates and real world data can only remain suppressed for so long, right? Then what happens to the cold-blooded murderers who suppressed it?

3 thoughts on “Ivermectin success rates and real world data can only remain suppressed for so long, right? Then what happens to the cold-blooded murderers who suppressed it?”

  1. Justice as we know (or rather knew) it no longer exists in our Brave New World so the High Priests of Covid-Inanity, their acolytes and sundry other useful idiots who have done everything in their power to suppress the truth will sail on largely unscathed…in this life, that is. While that could be called a pessimistic outlook, personally I’d describe it more as realistic.

  2. And now HHS has taken over control of Monoclonal Antibody treatment meds as an alternative to the vax and their “equitable” ration to Red States…how Stalin of them.

  3. Was in the hospital recently, told my roommate and her guest about ivy, gave her a miraculous medal. Neither had known about it. Roommate has a mass on her uterus, please pray for Laura.

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