🧵How long can the Alphabet Agencies and Ivory Towers fight the massive & rising real world data of IVM rapidly stopping &/or preventing COVID surges? It's gonna be a looong walk back from that position man – I would be starting that $%&! walk now (1/5)
— Pierre Kory, MD MPA (@PierreKory) September 15, 2021
2/5 – and Mexico City's Health Dept report of their early treatment program comparing the over 50,000 ppl treated with IVM and the over 70,000 who didn't… Massive 60-75% reduction in need for hospital, helping empty them over 6-12 weeks https://t.co/2T5Yoed5rd (2/5)
— Pierre Kory, MD MPA (@PierreKory) September 15, 2021
4/5 – and the Health Ministry of Misiones, Argentina report on their early Rx program which found a massive 75% reduction in hospitalizations… and an insane 88% reduction in death.. https://t.co/AP2DKYZ33E (4/5)
— Pierre Kory, MD MPA (@PierreKory) September 15, 2021
5/5 – Analysis of Peru's nationwide distribution program
— Pierre Kory, MD MPA (@PierreKory) September 15, 2021
initiated at various times across 25 states of Peru in May 2020, led to a 74% drop in regional excess deaths within a month, with each drop beginning 11 days after each regions program startedhttps://t.co/AZKR8VfaNp pic.twitter.com/zRjX0BGYiC

Justice as we know (or rather knew) it no longer exists in our Brave New World so the High Priests of Covid-Inanity, their acolytes and sundry other useful idiots who have done everything in their power to suppress the truth will sail on largely unscathed…in this life, that is. While that could be called a pessimistic outlook, personally I’d describe it more as realistic.
And now HHS has taken over control of Monoclonal Antibody treatment meds as an alternative to the vax and their “equitable” ration to Red States…how Stalin of them.
Was in the hospital recently, told my roommate and her guest about ivy, gave her a miraculous medal. Neither had known about it. Roommate has a mass on her uterus, please pray for Laura.