Blessed Rorate Sunday!
The title quote from this post comes from the latest salvo from Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano against the usurper antipope, amid the backdrop of the denial of Mary’s title of Co-Redemptrix. When I have a little more time, I will write a longer essay on the Glorious Virgin Mary, why it is that she is most certainly Co-Redemptrix, and why this is not only a proper title, but also a state of being, an ontological reality.
But for today, please read what follows. Below I am pasting +Vigano’s comments in full, as translated by the excellent Diane Montagna at LSN HERE.
The style he employs is strikingly like that of Pope Leo XIII. In other words, direct, distinct, and devastating. You will want to go back and re-read each paragraph as you finish it. It’s that good.
But also, look at the form of address he uses, “Pope Bergoglio.” This might be standard practice in Italy, but what he wrote here was surely intended for the Universal Church. Also notice that he talks about “demythologizing the papacy”… does that ring a bell at all? Yes, that was the theme of the +Miller dissertation! I wonder if he has read it. Finally, there is the term found in the title of this post, “false magisterium.”
Guess what, folks. If Catholicism is true, which it is, then a true pope can’t have a false magisterium. Nope to the nope. If the magisterium is false, then the pope must also be false. This is the logical consequence of +Vigano’s argumentation. It makes one wonder how close he must be to making a public declaration of the Bergoglian Antipapacy, and whether he’s gathering other episcopal signatories.
Full text:
Thus says God, the Lord,
who created the heavens and stretched them out,
who spread forth the earth and what comes from it,
who gives breath to the people upon it,
and spirit to those who walk in it…“I am the Lord, that is my name;
my glory I have given to no other,
nor my praise to graven images…The Lord goes forth like a mighty man,
Like a man of war he stirs up his fury;
he cries out, he shouts aloud,
he shows himself mighty against his foes.For a long time I have held my peace,
I have kept still and restrained myself;
now I will cry out like a woman in travail,
I will gasp and pant.
I will lay waste mountains and hills,
and dry up all their herbage;
I will turn the rivers into islands,
And dry up the pools…They shall be turned back and utterly put to shame,
who trust in graven images,
who say to molten images,
“You are our gods.”Who gave up Jacob to the spoiler, and Israel to the robbers?
Was it not the Lord, against whom we have sinned,
in whose ways they would not walk,
and whose law they would not obey?So he poured upon him the heat of his anger
and the might of battle;
it set him on fire round about, but he did not understand;
it burned him, but he did not take it to heart.(Isaiah 42:5-24)
“Is there in the heart of the Virgin Mary anything other than the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ? We too want to have only one name in our hearts: that of Jesus, like the Most Blessed Virgin.”
The tragic story of this failed pontificate advances with a pressing succession of twists and turns. Not a day passes: from the most exalted throne the Supreme Pontiff proceeds to dismantle the See of Peter, using and abusing its supreme authority, not to confess but to deny; not to confirm but to mislead; not to unite but to divide; not to build but to demolish.
Material heresies, formal heresies, idolatry, superficiality of every kind: the Supreme Pontiff Bergoglio never ceases stubbornly to humiliate the highest authority of the Church, “demythologizing” the papacy — as perhaps his illustrious comrade Karl Rahner would say. His action seeks to violate the Sacred Deposit of Faith and to disfigure the Catholic Face of the Bride of Christ by word and action, through duplicity and lies, through those theatrical gestures of his that flaunt spontaneity but are meticulously conceived and planned, and through which he exalts himself in a continuous narcissistic self-celebration, while the figure of the Roman Pontiff is humiliated and the Sweet Christ on earth is obscured.
His action makes use of magisterial improvisation, of that off the cuff and fluid magisterium that is as insidious as quicksand, not only flying at high altitude at the mercy of journalists from all over the world, in those ethereal spaces that can highlight a pathological delirium of illusory omnipotence, but also at the most solemn religious ceremony that ought to incite holy trembling and reverent respect.
On the occasion of the liturgical memorial of the Virgin of Guadalupe, Pope Bergoglio once again gave vent to his evident Marian intolerance, recalling that of the Serpent in the account of the Fall, in that Proto-Gospel which prophesizes the radical enmity placed by God between the Woman and the Serpent, and the declared hostility of the latter, who until the consummation of time will seek to undermine the Woman’s heel and to triumph over her and her posterity. The Pontiff’s intolerance is a manifest aggression against the prerogatives and sublime attributes that make the Immaculate Ever-Virgin Mother of God the feminine complement to the mystery of the Incarnate Word, intimately associated with Him in the Economy of Redemption.
After having downgraded her to the “next door neighbor” or a runaway migrant, or a simple lay woman with the defects and crises of any woman marked by sin, or a disciple who obviously has nothing to teach us; after having trivialized and desacralized her, like those feminists who are gaining ground in Germany with their “Mary 2.0” movement which seeks to modernize Our Lady and make her a simulacrum in their image and likeness, Pope Bergoglio has further impugned the August Queen and Immaculate Mother of God, who “became mestiza with humanity… and made God mestizo.” With a couple of jokes, he struck at the heart of the Marian dogma and the Christological dogma connected to it.
The Marian dogmas are the seal placed on the Catholic truths of our faith, defined at the Councils of Nicaea, Ephesus and Chalcedon; they are the unbreakable bulwark against Christological heresies and against the furious unleashing of the Gates of Hell. Those who “mestizo” and profane them show that they are on the side of the Enemy. To attack Mary is to venture against Christ himself; to attack the Mother is to rise up against her Son and to rebel against the very mystery of the Most Holy Trinity. The Immaculate Theotokos, “terrible as an army with banners” (Canticle 6:10) — acies ordinanata — will do battle to save the Church and destroy the Enemy’s unfettered army that has declared war on her, and with him all the demonic pachamamas will definitively return to hell.
Pope Bergoglio no longer seems to contain his impatience with the Immaculate, nor can he conceal it under that seeming and ostentatious devotion which is always in the spotlight of the cameras, while deserts the solemn celebration of the Assumption and the recitation of the Rosary with the faithful, who filled the courtyard of St. Damascene and the upper loggia of St. Peter’s Basilica under St. John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI.
Papa Bergoglio uses the pachamama to rout the Guadalupana. The enthronement of that Amazonian idol, even at the altar of the confession in St. Peter’s Basilica, was nothing less than a declaration of war on the Lady and Patroness of all the Americas, who with her apparition to Juan Diego destroyed the demonic idols and won the indigenous peoples for Christ and the adoration of the “Most True and Only God,” through her maternal mediation. And this is not a legend!
A few weeks after the conclusion of the synodal event, which marked the investiture of pachamama in the heart of Catholicity, we learned that the conciliar disaster of the Novus Ordo Missae is undergoing further modernization, including the introduction of “Dew” in the Eucharistic Canon instead of the mention of the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Most Holy Trinity.
This is a further step in the direction of regression towards the naturalization and immanentization of Catholic worship, towards a pantheistic and idolatrous Novissimus Ordo. The “Dew,” an entity present in the “theological place” of the Amazonian tropics — as we learned from the synodal fathers — becomes the new immanent principle of fertilization of the Earth, which “transubstantiates” it into a pantheistically connected Whole to which men are assimilated and subjugated, to the glory of Pachamama. And here we are plunged back into the darkness of a new globalist and eco-tribal paganism, with its demons and perversions. From this latest liturgical upheaval, divine Revelation decays from fullness to archaism; from the hypostatic identity of the Holy Spirit we slide towards the symbolic and metaphorical evanescence proper to dew which masonic gnosis has long made its own.
But let us return for a moment to the idolatrous statues of rare ugliness, and to Pope Bergoglio’s declaration the day after their removal from the church in Traspontina and their drowning in the Tiber. Once again, the Pope’s words have the scent of a colossal lie: he made us believe that the statuettes were promptly exhumed from the filthy waters thanks to the intervention of the Carabinieri [Italian police]. One wonders why a crew from Vatican News coordinated by Tornielli, and Spadaro of Civiltà Cattolica, with reporters and cameramen from the court press, did not come to film the prowess of the divers and capture the rescue of the pachamamas. It is also unlikely that such a spectacular feat did not capture the attention of a few passers-by, equipped with a mobile phone to film and then launch the scoop on social media. We are tempted to pose the question to the person who made that statement. Certainly, this time too, he would answer us with his eloquent silence.
For more than six years now we have been poisoned by a false magisterium, a sort of extreme synthesis of all the conciliar misconceptions and post-conciliar errors that have been relentlessly propagated, without most of us noticing. Yes, because the Second Vatican Council opened not only Pandora’s Box but also Overton’s Window, and so gradually that we did not realize the upheavals that had been carried out, the real nature of the reforms and their dramatic consequences, nor did we suspect who was really at the helm of that gigantic subversive operation, which the modernist Cardinal Suenens called “the 1789 of the Catholic Church.”
Thus, over these last decades, the Mystical Body has been slowly drained of its lifeblood through unstoppable bleeding: the Sacred Deposit of Faith has gradually been squandered, dogmas denatured, worship secularized and gradually profaned, morality sabotaged, the priesthood vilified, the Eucharistic Sacrifice protestantized and transformed into a convivial Banquet…
Now the Church is lifeless, covered with metastases and devastated. The people of God are groping, illiterate and robbed of their Faith, in the darkness of chaos and division. In these last decades, the enemies of God have progressively made scorched earth of two thousand years of Tradition. With unprecedented acceleration, thanks to the subversive drive of this pontificate, supported by the powerful Jesuit apparatus, a deadly coup de grace [death blow] is being delivered to the Church.
With Pope Bergoglio — as with all modernists — it is impossible to seek clarity, since the distinctive mark of the modernist heresy is dissimulation. Masters of error and experts in the art of deception, “they strive to make what is ambiguous universally accepted, presenting it from its harmless side which will serve as a passport to introduce the toxic side that was initially kept hidden.” (Fr. Matteo Liberatore SJ). And so the lie, obstinately and obsessively repeated, ends up becoming “true” and accepted by the majority.
Also typically modernist is the tactic of affirming what you want to destroy, using vague and imprecise terms, and promoting error without ever formulating it clearly. This is exactly what Pope Bergoglio does, with his dissolving amorphism of the Mysteries of the Faith, with his doctrinal approximation through which he “mestizos” and demolishes the most sacred dogmas, as he did with the Marian dogmas of the Ever-Virgin Mother of God.
The result of this abuse is what we now have before our eyes: a Catholic Church that is no longer Catholic; a container emptied of its authentic content and filled with borrowed goods.
The advent of the Antichrist is inevitable; it is part of the epilogue of the History of Salvation. But we know that it is the prerequisite for the universal triumph of Christ and his glorious Bride. Those of us who have not let ourselves be deceived by these enemies of the Church enfeoffed in the ecclesial Body, must unite and together face off against the Evil One, who is long defeated yet still able to harm and cause the eternal perdition of multitudes of souls, but whose head the Blessed Virgin, our Leader, will definitively crush.
Now it is our turn. Without equivocation, without letting ourselves be driven out of this Church whose legitimate children we are and in which we have the sacred right to feel at home, without the hateful horde of Christ’s enemies making us feel marginalized, schismatic and excommunicated.
Now it is our turn! The triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary — Coredemptrix and Mediatrix of all graces — passes through her “little ones,” who are certainly frail and sinners but are absolutely opposed to the members enlisted in the Enemy’s army. “Little ones” consecrated without any limit whatsoever to the Immaculate, in order to be her heel, the most humiliated and despised part, the most hated by hell, but which together with Her will crush the head of the infernal Monster.
Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort asked: “But when will this triumph take place? God knows.” Our task is to be vigilant and pray as St. Catherine of Siena ardently recommended: “Oimè! That I die and cannot die. Sleep no longer in negligence; use what you can in the present time. Comfort yourselves in Christ Jesus, sweet love. Drown yourselves in the Blood of Christ crucified, place yourselves on the cross with Christ crucified, hide yourselves in the wounds of Christ crucified, bathe yourselves in the blood of Christ crucified” (Letter 16).
The Church is shrouded in the darkness of modernism, but the victory belongs to Our Lord and His Bride. We desire to continue to profess the perennial faith of the Church in the face of the roaring evil that besieges her. We desire to keep vigil with her and with Jesus, in this new Gethsemane of the end times; to pray and do penance in reparation for the many offenses caused to them.
+ Carlo Maria Viganò
Titular Archbishop of Ulpiana
Apostolic Nuncio
Translated by Diane Montagna of LifeSiteNews
“Now the Church is lifeless, covered with metastases and devastated. The people of God are groping, illiterate and robbed of their Faith, in the darkness of chaos and division. In these last decades, the enemies of God have progressively made scorched earth of two thousand years of Tradition. With unprecedented acceleration, thanks to the subversive drive of this pontificate, supported by the powerful Jesuit apparatus, a deadly coup de grace [death blow] is being delivered to the Church.”
The issue that no one in the magisterium has dared to address is that the Bergoglio situation is not the cause of this particular death of the faith, merely making the fact that the Church is already dead obvious. The movement we see in the Church is merely the last seizures of the corpse as the life leaves it.
But still… this is only the latest death of the faith that has died many times before.
“I have said that Asia and the ancient world had an air of being too old to die. Christendom has had the very opposite fate. Christendom has had a series of revolutions and in each one of them Christianity has died. Christianity has died many times and risen again; for it had a God who knew the way out of the grave. But the first extraordinary fact which marks this history is this: that Europe has been turned upside down over and over again; and that at the end of each of these revolutions the same religion has again been found on top. The Faith is always converting the age, not as an old religion but as a new religion. This truth is hidden from many by a convention that is too little noticed. Curiously enough, it is a convention of the sort which those who ignore it claim especially to detect and denounce. They are always telling us that priests and ceremonies are not religion and that religious organisation can be a hollow sham, but they hardly realise how true it is. It is so true that three or four times at least in the history of Christendom the whole soul seemed to have gone out of Christianity; and almost every man in his heart expected its end. This fact is only masked in medieval and other times by that very official religion which such critics pride themselves on seeing through. Christianity remained the official religion of a Renaissance prince or the official religion of an eighteenth-century bishop, just as an ancient mythology remained the official religion of Julius Caesar or the Arian creed long remained the official religion of Julian the Apostate. But there was a difference between the cases of Julius and of Julian; because the Church had begun its strange career. There was no reason why men like Julius should not worship gods like Jupiter for ever in public and laugh at them for ever in private. But when Julian treated Christianity as dead, he found it had come to life again. He also found, incidentally, that there was not the faintest sign of Jupiter ever coming to life again. This case of Julian and the episode of Arianism is but the first of a series of examples that can only be roughly indicated here. Arianism, as has been said, had every human appearance of being the natural way in which that particular superstition of Constantine might be expected to peter out. All the ordinary stages had been passed through; the creed had become a respectable thing, had become a ritual thing, had then been modified into a rational thing; and the rationalists were ready to dissipate the last remains of it, just as they do to-day. When Christianity rose again suddenly and threw them, it was almost as unexpected as Christ rising from the dead.”
I wonder if they continue to believe Christ is still dead? a persistent theatre of the absurd! like a sickening virus of sorts… but spiritual.
Thanks for publishing this important document by Archbishop Vigano confirming all we have known for sometime now. Bergoglio is the inevitable evil spawn of Vatican II. Whoever is managing its rollout would see to that, if Bergoglio didn’t exist someone devious and faithless like him was installed to fulfill the Masonic plan of re-establishing the Church as a creature of the devil.
Let us pray and hope the Archbishop is able to continue, and that more Catholics will come to understand that the “pope” and most Bishops are not on the side of Christ.
Thank you for posting the Archbishop’s letter. I had neglected to read it until now.
His faith is a light in the darkness for us.
apparently Francis would rather believe in a stick from the amazon jungle than the BVM
He appears to be reaching fever pitch in some way. Whatever worm ails the man, it is twisting and turning in his gut, his venom is barely containable. He is being consumed with his own hatred for God, for Christ, for Our Lady, for Catholicism, for Christendom, for the West, for faithful Catholics. It is eating away at his innards, and he is having a hard time concealing it. He yearns to scream and yell, but he cannot, he must suppress it under his false mildness, which has always been to the faithful a transparent guise.
His psychopathic nature is becoming more evident by the day. His desire every day is to torment the followers of Christ by destroying the faith. But Christ will have the last word. We now await that Word with expectation. It is all accelerating and cannot last.
wow….astutely said.
puts me in mind of Acts 12:18-24
yep….worms eating him from the inside-out.
God bless, guide and guard Abp. VIgano.
This whole letter is bracing and a great encouragement. This quote particularly speaks for me:
“We desire to continue to profess the perennial faith of the Church in the face of the roaring evil that besieges her.”
That is all I wish to do. And stand up in defense of Her against those who besiege.
Archbishop Vigano specifically enjoins those of us who have refused to let ourselves be deceived to come together and turn and confront the Bergoglian menace as one, under Our Lady’s banner and as instruments in Her hands. I myself am determined to answer that call. Does anyone know if Archbishop Vigano has a concrete effort in mind and if so, how one goes about supporting it?
Thanks Mark. This was encouraging and helpful. God bless and the Virgin protect Archbishop Vigano.
Dear Mr Docherty,
as an Italian reader, I can confirm you that I had the same impression you had upon reading mons. Viganò’s statement in Italian. I also thought that he seriously is considering the possibility that “Bergoglio” is a false pope.
Carlo Maria Viganò was born on January 16, 1941, i.e. on the commemoration of Saint Paul the First Hermit, and therefore he can now live in solitude. It was also a feast of Notre-Dame des Victoires, Refuge des Pécheurs, Paris, France, so it connects him with the person of the true Sun King, the great monarch of the end times, and [with] the final triumph of the Immaculate Virgin Mary.
He was ordained a priest on March 24, 1968, so probably in the sanctified old rite – on the feast of Notre-Dame de l’Epine, l’Epine, Our Lady of the Thorn, that’s why priest Carlo Maria can be as sharp as a thorn.
Viganò was nominated for the Titular Archbishop of Ulpiana on April 3, 1992, on the commemoration day of Saint Ulpian of Tyre, who was stitched in a leather sackcloth along with a dog and a viper and drowned in the sea (AD306) – that’s why Vigano fights against the Argentine wolf in sheep’s clothing; and on the eve of Saint Isidore of Sevilla, patron of the Internet – that’s why in his old age he is an apostle on the web.
Viganò received the episcopal sacra on April 26, 1992, that is, on the Thomas or Divine Mercy Sunday, which entwines him with the person of the Paraclete, the Twin Brother of Jesus Christ.
A famous bearer of the name Ulpian was Gnaeus Domitius Annius Ulpianus (c. 170 – 223AD) who was a Roman jurist – the Archbishop is an expert lawyer.
Titular see Ulpiana is the ancient Municipum Ulpiana Splendisima in the Roman province of Dardania (today Kosovo); after the 518AD earthquake, rebuilt by Saint Justinian II the Emperor as Justiniana Secunda. The first to administer justice is the Holy Savior Jesus Christ, while the second one is the second Comforter, Paraclete [see Psalm 71 (72), 2: “Give to the king thy judgment, O God: and to the king’s son thy justice: To judge thy people with justice, and thy poor with judgment.”].
In such a characteristic spiritual configuration, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has a great chance of immortalization in the Salvation history.
As our Italian commenter above I too believe the good Archbishop Viganò is drawing the conclusion for all to read that Jorge Mario Bergoglio is an Antipope.
It is implicit in his main argument that “Pope Bergoglio” as he acidly calls him has and holds a false magisterium, and in fact the very title and mode of address has a connotation not just of slight regard and contempt but illegitimacy.
I argue the point over at the Catholic Monitor.
And there I also lay out a practical program of what next, partly in response to Helen Weir’s question here. For we don’t know when Archbishop Viganò will explicitly denounce Antipope Bergoglio.
Why has no one gone to Kansas to interview McCarrick? Is it not amazing, absolutely amazing, that the one man, now fully laicized, who can shed light on the how and why that Francis happened, is hiding in full view, totally unconfronted, behind a meaningless (friary) wall in Kansas and and we all know it and no one seeks access. Did we not learn our lesson about frozen passivity from watching the pachamama idolatry out of the Vatican and Santa Maria in Traspontina. A frozenness that ended when heroic Alexander Tschugguel appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, to throw the idols into the Tiber? Is there anyone thinking about shining a light on McCarrick. A perfect team would be Alexander Tschugguel (the pachamama guy), Jesse Romero (the devil in Los Angeles guy) and Ann Barnhard,who video on diabolical narcissism is enough of a McCarrick credential for me. Should we start a GoFundMe?
McCarrick was interviewed in Kansas for slate magazine. It was another scandal. He doubled down. He denied everything.
As Antipope Francis once told McCarrick early on in the antipapacy: “Are you still kicking? I guess Satan doesn’t have your accommodations ready yet.”
A note on the use of the address, Pope Bergoglio, in Italy.
To call any pope by his surname is to refer to the man, and to add the address, “Pope” to his surname, is to refer to the man who is the pope as much as he is a man. However, it is never done by good Catholics who are speaking of the Pope as the Pope (prior to March 13, 2013). It is generally considered a secular way of speaking. I have seen it in academic books from the reign of Pope John Paul II referring even to Medieval Popes. For an Archbishop to speak this way, thus, is groundbreaking, and is a way of making a clear statement, that the legitimacy of this man as Pop is now reasonable up for questioning.
D’accord. Plus, consider that Archbishop Viganò is a diplomat, a prudent man engaged at the highest levels of world politics for his career, and a highly circumspect writer who very carefully polishes his writings and chooses his words.
For example, not one word of his original August 22, 2018 testimony has yet to be impeached in the slightest regard by all Bergoglio’s minions and allies in the press.
The good Archbishop is sending a message. It’s a matter of time before he lays down the gauntlet. It’s less likely but devoutly to be wished that there’s a man in the Vatican in scarlet it otherwise who will join him. Bishop Schneider, yes I believe he may.
D’accord. Plus, consider that Archbishop Viganò is a diplomat, a prudent man engaged at the highest levels of world politics for his career, and a highly circumspect writer who very carefully polishes his writings and chooses his words.
For example, not one word of his original August 22, 2018 testimony has yet to be impeached in the slightest regard by all Bergoglio’s minions and allies in the press.
The good Archbishop is sending a message. It’s a matter of time before he lays down the gauntlet. It’s less likely but devoutly to be wished that there’s a man in the Vatican in scarlet or otherwise who will join him. Bishop Schneider, yes I believe he may.
!Merry Christmas! To Mark and all my brothers and sisters here at Non Veni Pacem.
God bless and keep you all. Christ reigns. Our Blessed Mother cares deeply for all of us and wants us all with her in heaven enjoying the Beatific Vision with her, all the Angels and Saints.
Nothing on earth can prevent this union except our own lack of faith. Dear God, thank you for our faith; protect and increase our faith.
“For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor might, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans’ 8: 38,39
Merry Christmas, Aqua!
Amen Aqua…and back at ya!…Merry Christmas