This is a great example of how the Divine Providence is always with us, always in charge, and always helpfully helpful. The faith of St. Thomas was so weak, it bordered on spite. And yet he became one of the greatest evangelists of the early Church.
Please join me in praying my Mass intention today, which is for all those who struggle with faith. Although faith is an infused virtue, and nature is perfected by grace, it can still be a mighty struggle for some. I pray for all the fallen away adult children, spouses and parents, and especially for anyone for whom the present chaos has driven them to the brink.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
Virgin Most Powerful, pray for us.
St. Thomas, pray for us.

Thank you. Especially for one’s children.
Many thanks. Praying.
I know it’s Christmas…I know no one wants to deal with this crap, but it’s upon us. I just read this and I’m shaking like a leaf.
This is beyond unhinged. I thought midway through I was reading the Babylon Bee. It’s an open declaration of war. Seriously, slowly,… what. he’s. saying.
@Susan: Thank you for the heads up. Breitbart has never banned or threatened to ban a BiP-comment. Go for it, BiPpers.
I posted this on Breitbart.
“Pope” Francis has gone completely nuts and has become a tool of the devil. Change is not an element of God. He does not change. And fundamentally neither do human beings. From age to age we all have similar fears and hope. We all desire peace and understanding. God helps us to become like Him. Let us learn to do so.
I get the sense from your post, that you are a Priest. If that is the case, Forgive me for speaking to you as if you were a layman.
Nope, layman.
Perfect. Two friends just left my house after a pretty heated debate. They’re both baptized, lapsed Catholics doing their own thing in Protestant-land. When I pointed out that some Prot Churches held Catholic beliefs like infant baptism, one had the audacity to say they were not “filled with the Holy Spirit”. I was dumb-founded and pointed out her pride in such a statement. Please pray for Denise and Cathy.
@Kono: I am praying for them now.
Thank you so much! God bless and the Virgin protect you!
I wrote about Saint Thomas the Apostle in a longer study on Solar Eclipse July 3 (2), 2019 – I am posting an appropriate excerpt:
“This eclipse began, as a partial, on July 3(!) in the Pacific Ocean west of the date change line. Thanks to this paradox, Providence directs our attention to the hero of this day Saint Thomas the Apostle. Among the twelve called by Jesus Christ, he occupies a special place: none of them was admitted to such intimacy – even beloved John – like Thomas, who put his finger in the wounds of nails and hand in the wound of the side of the Savior. Why? Jesus signaled by this act that He was followed by a “latecom” twin like Him. Such physical intimacy is natural for pre-natal twins. The Gospels mention the name of this Apostle in the Aramaic version as Thomas and immediately the Greek – Didymos – as if the inspired author wanted to shout: ‘Twin! Twin!’ Was Thomas the brother of Jesus? Of course not. But despite this, he is His real twin through a common Mother who, as Virgin Mary, gave birth to Jesus Christ, and as the Holy Church gave life to Thomas. The late Apostle appeared on the eighth day after the Resurrection, that is, the eighth day of the week of the Savior’s triumph, and is therefore an anti-type of the Paraclete who will bring the elect ones from the Militant Church to rest in God’s Kingdom on earth.
After a few decades, wandering all the way from India, Thomas the Apostle was late again: this time for the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin, but nevertheless at her Assumption it was She who entrusted him with her own belt, indicating that the Jesus’ Twin-The Paraclete, this Son-Man from Apocalypse will be her spouse.”
It was only after sending the previous comment that I wondered why Mark inserted Saint Thomas the Apostle on December 21. After a while, it occurred to me that the Author of the blog functions according to the Tridentine calendar, whereas I follow the order of Paul VI.
Of the Apostles, Saint Thomas reached the farthest east, as far as eastern India over the Bay of Bengal (it is said that he even conducted missions in Indonesia).
Wiki: “The Malankara Orthodox church celebrates his feast on three days, 3 July (in memory of the relic translation to Edessa), 18 December (the Day he was lanced), and 21 December (when he died).”
Pierced with a spear like the Holy Savior – indeed his Twin even in the outer signs of death!
In the last week of Advent, “O” Antiphons are sung in Vespers – the martyrdom and death of Saint Thomas are accompanied by verses:
December 18, “O Adonai, and Ruler of the house of Israel, who didst appear unto Moses in the burning bush, and gavest him the law in Sinai; come, to redeem us with an outstretched arm!”
December 21, “O Day-Spring, brightness of the everlasting Light, Sun of Righteousness; come, to give light to them that sit in darkness, and in the shadow of death!”
Does anyone else accept that ‘Day-Spring’, or ‘Oriens’, also refers to the Twin of Jesus Christ, the Paraclete, to this Sun descending from above as at Fatima on October 13, 1917?!
From now on I will remember that the winter solstice occurs around Saint Thomas feast day and it gets brighter and merrier in the northern hemisphere. Thanks Mark! Bllesed Christmas!