What does it take to show Probable Cause in a RICO case, and how the hell are we not there yet? Jeff Sessions, call your office.

Voris says sources claim Vatican is attempting to smuggle Wuerl out of the country before charges are brought. All appointments canceled, cell phone shut off, whereabouts unknown.

One thought on “What does it take to show Probable Cause in a RICO case, and how the hell are we not there yet? Jeff Sessions, call your office.”

  1. Charge em! Charge em! We are lifelong Catholics, weekly Holy Mass types, loved the Church and the faith. If they call a RICO investigation, we WILL CHEER. Please God, do it AG Sessions, please, our beloved church has turned into an international child sex trafficking organization, with men flying around the world to sexually abuse little boys and teenage boys in poor nations who can’t do anything about it. God will use you as the instrument to clean his church of these filthy predators. They have taken our money under false pretenses, we didn’t want to support their comfy lifestyles with travel, vacations with boyfriends, fine dining, and sodomizing rent boys all the live long day. INVESTIGATE THEM PLEASE.

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