NOT A PARODY: Cupich says Bergoglio needs to get past all this BS so he can return his focus to the environment, man. Oh and Migrants.

Also, people only criticize him because he’s Latino.
I am not making this up. Watch it quick, before they take it down.
I’m having trouble embedding the video, but you can view it on the NBC Chicago site HERE.


4 thoughts on “NOT A PARODY: Cupich says Bergoglio needs to get past all this BS so he can return his focus to the environment, man. Oh and Migrants.”

  1. He’s a danger to society and souls. God, please, grant us a Catholic Confessional State to rid us of these destroyers, these ravening wolves.

  2. Can Cupich really be that stupid….. The most important thing for the Pope to focus on at this time is THE ENVIRONMENT AND IMMIGRATION. Reminds me of that gem from Francis….” The two biggest problems facing the world today is Youth unemployment and Loneliness of the aged…”
    Then he plays the Race card…UNBELIEVABLE!!!

  3. The most important thing for the Pope to focus on is, as ever, upholding the Deposit of Faith, Tradition & Magisterium of the OHC&A Church. Yet the entire Hierarchy are backing him in forcing Catholics to accept a totalitarian world where God has been eliminated. Our children & Grandchildren are being forced by Catholic schools to be taught secular sex ed inclusive of LGBTQI indoctrination. The scandalous euthanising of Charlie Gard & Alfie Evans despite their parents pleas & petitions from the public – the Bishop of Liverpool was cited as saying it was not his place to do anything as Charlie wasn’t a Catholic – utterly untrue as he was baptised & his father is Catholic. No outcry against Abortion being introduced to Isle of Man (by same Bishop) & Ireland – PF is quoted as saying Abortion isn’t religious. Draconian laws in UK & USA against anyone who enters an abortion clinic to talk to intending patients or those outside praying the Rosary – no whimper from the Vatican or local Bishops. Mary Wagner has spent most of the past six years in prison for such ‘offences’ while holy priests are suspended for not offering HC to unrepentant sinners. It is evident the priorities of this pope don’t lie where they should – strong & vigorous Catholic teaching going back to Christ & the First Apostles, upholding the Dogmas of the CC, ensuring the legitimate wish of faithful Catholics to attend the Old Rite Mass & be able to receive the full seven Sacraments of the Church. He is a Modernist & hasn’t the True Faith. Now is the time for ++Burke & those silent Cardinals/Bishops who are supportive of him (SSPX as well) to make the formal correction twenty months overdue & demand an answer, with consequential results if ignored as the Dubia was.

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