Shooter identified by crowds 26 MINUTES beforehand, cops can’t find him, until one does and then retreats

(I’m aware the site is no longer allowing comments on new posts. My settings show comments are still enabled. Supernerd is on the case. -nvp)

From AP:

“Several rallygoers reported to local officers that Crooks was acting suspiciously and pacing near the magnetometers, according to a law enforcement official who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the investigation. Officers were then told Crooks was climbing a ladder, the official said. Officers searched for him (NOW REVEALED TO BE 26 MINUTES PRIOR) but were unable to find him before he made it to the roof, the official added. Butler County Sheriff Michael Slupe told the AP that a local officer climbed to the roof and encountered Crooks, who saw the officer and turned toward him just before the officer dropped down to safety. Slupe said the officer couldn’t have wielded his own gun under the circumstances. The officer retreated down the ladder, and Crooks quickly took a shot toward Trump, and that’s when Secret Service snipers shot him, according to two officials who spoke to AP on condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation.”

I have many questions. This kid fends off a cop, then swings back and immediately gets rounds downrange. High School friends say he was such a bad shot, he was personally disinvited from the rifle team. Although it is possible to improve skills over two year’s time. It is strange we haven’t been shown the weapon yet, so no way to comment on what kind of optic he was running. But what I can tell you is that with a decent red dot, even a total amateur like me can manage 10 inch groupings at twice the distance, and that’s with a 35 year old Romanian AK. So he is still a terrible shot, but at only 120 years, he was really close. Also, how was he somehow toting around a ladder and rifle for 26 minutes, spotted and videoed by multiple people, multiple 911 calls, shouting at cops… what kind of Houdini act was this?

Don’t worry. The Pittsburgh FBI Field Office is on the case. The same FBI Field Office who handled/buried the Hunter Biden laptop.

80 thoughts on “Shooter identified by crowds 26 MINUTES beforehand, cops can’t find him, until one does and then retreats”

  1. Mark – as feedback on comment issue – I can leave one here, now.

    As to Trump shooting: No question it’s weird.

    Was their supposed to be a skilled, second shooter a la Kennedy? If yes, what happened to them?

    How were SS & LE involved – and on what motives?

    It was staged – but by whom & why? To help Trump? Or (I think more likely rn) to truly assassinate him?

      1. For what little it’s worth…… There is a complicated ultra conspiracy theory out there…… 1) no one was killed, 2) Trump enemies had planned a real assassination, 3) Trump allies learned of it, disabled it – but decided to exploit the theater of it.

        I’m not committed to it.

    1. I have no idea what really happened on Saturday, and likely never will in this life. But I know Donald Trump is on a runaway train back to the White House because of it, and I know he’s in the process of systematically dismantling Republican opposition to things like abortion and sodomy (just the things that cry to heaven for vengeance, no biggie). And I know the new face of this reimagined Republican Party was on full display last night, complete with some sort of demonic invocation and a speech from a pro-abortion slut-activist with a tattoo across her forehead. That’s enough cause for me to be highly suspicious of Saturday’s shooting, and that’s before we even get to the Keystone Kops Secret Service detail, the bumbling DEI women (who actually looked like they were trying to act clueless and incompetent for the cameras), or any of the other bizarre anomalies we’re all obsessing over.

      I suspect Satan is in the final stages of eliminating the last of the just men from American society so that the Lord’s anger may be unleashed (the devil knows Genesis 18 much better than most Americans do). And I suspect Donald Trump and this new indifferent-to-“social issues” Republican Party materializing before our eyes are his instruments. I hope I’m wrong. But if we sell out marriage and the unborn for cheaper gas and lower taxes, we deserve whatever we get.

      1. I hope you are wrong, too, CJ, but I fear you are not. I am thinking the same thing. We must really really pray for the discernment to know, because I am asking myself “Can I really vote for these men and then find out I have
        taken part in enabling the evil on the other side of the Democrat coin”?

      2. Now you’re getting it. Trump is part of Satan’s, not God’s plan. The assassination attempt was done by Biden/Obama not because Trump is good,but merely because Trump is a competitor. As I’ve said, this is just Game of Thrones stuff.

        Trump is pro abortion, pro sodomy, pro bioweapon (his bioweapon), pathologically pro Israel, he told speaker Johnson to side with the Democrats and push through the Ukraine bill.

        Trump may think he’s a good guy. Most people do. But he serves Satan, along with Biden.

  2. Sadly , just as JFK was turned into a moral man and a great president by his assassination, Trump has turned into an agent of God because of the attempt on his life.

    I said for over a year Trump will either be in jail or dead before the election. Biden/Obama missed but Trump isn’t out of danger.

    Trump vs Biden is like the Shiites vs Sunnis. Game of Thrones stuff.

    The country will get a madman psycho no matter who is president. I will say this until I die: the biggest crime against humanity is the Covid 19 vaccine and Trump authorized it. Oh and he never built the wall, nor drained the swamp.

    Trump believes he is good and righteous, that doesn’t mean he is. He picked JD Vance as his running mate, proving he’s either stupid or a Democrat. Before Obama loving Vance needed his endorsement in 2022, Vance called Trump a Nazi. And the WEF loves him.

    I’m happy Trump is alive and I think Obama/Biden are pure evil. But Trump should be in jail with them. We are in the apocalypse and no one sees it.

  3. If he recognizes the hand of God in this I hope he changes. It can start with repudiating the shots and stop allowing abortion to be a state issue.

    1. “stop allowing abortion to be a state issue” – Weird because for decades, until the moment when Roe fell, pro-life side continually said, Please *at least* let abortion become a States’ issue again.

      1. Then Kansas and Ohio happened. Personally, I never argued that murder should be left for the states to decide, but I know many pro-lifers did. The problem with that is, we’ve let it go for over 50 years, and a multi-billion dollar, hugely influential entity has formed around the industrialized slaughter of children. They have all of the power and all of the money to get their way at the ballot boxes (by lying, cheating, and propagandizing). And that’s exactly what’s happening.

        “Leave it to the states” is a path to full-term, unrestricted abortion in every state in the country.

      2. There were 2 competing arguments. Either let the states take care of the issue (the constitutional route) or create a national law banning it.

        What everyone has learned is that American women are not as moral as previously thought. They all want abortion. And that’s fitting, since Trump has always supported abortion and abortifacients.

        Why do you think he committed adultery with a porn star and playboy model? He knew they’d be sterilized.

  4. Comment on previous post:
    Trump-endorsed GoFundMe for assassin victims raises $4,000,000 in 36 hours

    “He really should have gone to visit the families yesterday. Not only would it have been the right thing to do, the images would have been as unforgettable as the one you see above.”

    Maybe Donald Trump is more considerate than that? Perhaps as advised by Melania?

    I don’t know of any ordinary folk who would wish for the intrusion of a super celebrity and his surrounding security detail and media circus so immediately after an instant of great personal grief and shock.

    Give them close family time first and offer, but don’t impose a visit or meeting.

    1. Well, the wife of the murdered man has lamented in the media that she hasn’t heard from Trump.

  5. Sorry this comment is in the wrong place, Mark, but I can’t post it under your Houston article. I saw this linked from another site and can’t vouch for the authenticity, but I thought it was a possible data point worth keeping in mind; it’s from a lineman in Houston who says the lineman are having to fear for their personal safety, and it’s not from the electricity 🙁

  6. I had a thought (aka conspiracy theory) and I just want to know what others think.

    When I first watched the video, I found it very very odd that the people standing behind Trump weren’t reacting the way you’d think they’d react to gun shots. Nobody was screaming, running, etc. Where was the man who was hit (Corey?)? Was he directly behind Trump on stage? Did anyone come to his aid? I admit I haven’t seen all the footage, but something really doesn’t add up to me. Then I started thinking.. What if Trump wasn’t really shot? What if that was fake blood that he smeared on his ear with his hand giving the illusion of blood? Why would he do that? Well, how do you make the whole world love you? You become a victim. Isn’t it odd how all the old “never-Trumpers” are starting to support him? Especially the VP pick.

    I just watched a video on LifeSite News talking about Trump assassination attempt prophecies. I admit this is really stunning that people have been prophesying about him being shot in the ear. It could be true, it could be coincidence, but what if it’s Trump using AI to see what all the prophecies about him are and him using that to his advantage.

    Ok, like I said. I know this is crazy, but I honestly don’t trust him and don’t believe any of the official stories. Just want to know what other people think. I was thinking about all the prophecies of AC and I always wondered what kind of figure could make the whole world love him? It obviously isn’t someone who is so obviously evil. It’s someone who looks like he’s fighting evil himself. Right?

    1. FYI: JD Vance went to Trump’s side some years ago, before 2020 I think. Not recent.

      The way JD tells it (?????), he really just changed his mind / was impressed.

      As to AC: Trump isn’t Jewish, that we know of. His one daughter is – she married into it – but not him. Scholars say, AC will come out of Jewish heritage.

    2. Also if you could please ask Our Lady of Mt Carmel to pray for the soul of my father, Anthony. He died 11 years ago today. Thank you

    3. The weirdo who runs Lifesite says Trump getting shot in the right ear is a consecration. I want to barf. First, has Trump renounced the vax? Has he announced that he is committing adultery with Melania? Has he lamented that he let his daughter and grandkids become Jewish?

      Everyone has gone insane. Here’s what happened on Saturday: a very bad man who poisoned the country was almost killed by other very bad men who want the country to die.

      In fact what this has done for Trump is reinforce his self righteousness. If everyone says God has his hand on him he will interpret it that way, that he is “chosen”. Could it be that God was telling him he should repent?


  7. Something is really bizarre about the whole thing.

    And then look the very weird J.D. Vance, who almost seems like a precursor to the anti-Christ. Something is very “off” about him: Adult convert to Catholicism; married to an Indian Hindu woman (his handler?)who has not become Catholic; was “blessed” by a Hindu; has already compromised on abortion and other Church teachings; associated with Franciscan University and Scott Hahn; has a beard; was a troubled, drug-addicted teen, just like Scott Hahn (the deep state loves to recruit these types; Scott Hahn became Catholic in Fairfax, Virginia); associated with Yale; writes a bestselling book when no one knows who he is (how does that happen without state involvement?); most likely a freemason; and it goes on and on.

    1. Your comments about book sales are really interesting to me. In the early to mid 2000s I was getting deeper and deeper into Catholicism and reading everything I could get my hands on. I remember going into Coles looking in vain in the religion section for any of the titles I was reading about online – basically anything by the saints or even just a copy of the catechism. There always seemed to be Dan Brown nonsense (The DaVinci Code Workbook, bet that was a good one..) or some televangelist drivel. In 2007, I began hearing about the controversy in Italy regarding Antonio Socci’s book on the third secret of Fatima. He insisted at the time that there is a fourth part – the missing words of the Virgin which I am sure you are familiar with. He even went on a talk show called Porta a Porta to discuss this. Cardinal Bertone ended up on the same program refuting him and then subsequently published his own book. I think it was called The Last Secret of Fatima. Well, one day I dropped by the Coles to see if I could find anything worth reading and what did I see? There were two dozen copies of Cardinal Bertone’s book in a beautiful display case out at the entry of the shop. I stood there with my mouth hanging open staring at this thing while hundreds of people passed by. I learned a great deal that day, I can tell you.

    2. To be *the* antiChrist Vance would have to be Jewish. But he’s definitely a footsoldier.

      Scott Hahn’s son is a priest in my parish. He’s ….different.

      Back to Vance, what is odd about him is that if you look at him you see nothing behind his eyes. He is pure sociopath. His entire biography is a fraud, he does whatever he can to amass power.

      He is bearded Gavin Newsom.

      1. Tucker Carlson had an interesting perspective as to why he advocated so hard for Vance for VP. He said that the case for Vance, even more than those in Washington who support him, it is the character of those who *oppose* him that are the most persuasive for Vance’s case.

        According to Tucker, the most despicable people of power and influence in Washington are universally, without exception, adamantly opposed to Vance – and that’s a very good sign.

        There’s a lot of wisdom in that assessment.

  8. Goodness, how quickly some people forget who – along with God – ended Roe.

    Or who – along with RFK Jr – has opposed childhood vaccine mandates FOR DECADES NOW – no Nurse Claire, it isn’t a recent pretense – Trump was calling out autism & chidhood vaxx 15 years ago. Were you?

    Or who tried to tell us, in April 2020, about hydroxychloroquine to end covid – and got savaged for it.

    When Trump says Operation Warp Speed “saved millions of lives”, he’s talking about the lockdowns ending ahead of schedule.

    Remember those pandemic planning documents? Schwab & Gates wanted lockdowns to go on for several more years, and for vaxx to come out a year or two later – with greater deadliness.

    I’m old enough to know Trump isn’t perfect.

    We all want the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart, or at least, Jonah in Nineveh – and Trump is FAR from both.

    U.S. elections have always been a crap sandwich. Always.

    The choice is: Go with the imperfect guy building a majority in a sinful nation, who will at least halt Final Triumph of the commie-pedo-satanists…………. Or……….. trying to speed up the End Times, I guess…. go with actual Final Triumph of the commie-pedo-satanists.

    Politics won’t save us. The human political choice, will always be a crap choice, of less crap vs. more crap.

    I’m old enough to get that. Are all of you?

    1. I’m old enough to remember what actually happened, Jeff, which was:

      a)There was no “schedule” to lockdowns, and the lockdowns were not predicated on finding a vaccine (which always take a decade to make).

      b)TRUMP RECOMMENDED LOCKDOWNS, for 14 days to “flatten the curve”. Then states stayed locked down. THen increased our national debt in one year by the largest amount in US history by paying states to stay locked down. Trump even criticized Florida for opening their state up.

      c)Trump mentioned HCQ once and then never mentioned it again.

      d)He then went with WARP SPEED, and why? Not to end lockdowns, but to win reelection. That’s all it was about.

      e)70% of the country got the vaccine before any federal mandate. Why? In 2020 Trump’s administration scared the crap out of them.

      f)Trump should have known that universities, employers, states all across the country would employ mandates because they do it already for other vaccines.

      I’m old enough to see things as they are , not how I want them to be. Trump still defends his gruesome WMD, still says it’s “one of mankind’s greatest achievements.”

      Trump is completely unfit to lead this country, and that’s because he poisoned it. And he doesn’t seem to give a crap about that.

      Get that, Jeff.

      1. Jeff,
        No, I don’t think the commenters here are old enough to get that. But I am, and I do.

        What a depressing slog these comments have been. Except yours. Yours was good.

      2. Mike,

        a) Check those pandemic simulation documents again – I forget what they were called – but around here (and rightly so), they were treated as THE plandemic blueprint.

        They called for deadlier vaxx, to be released at least a year or two later ie. after lockdown went on much longer.

        Meanwhile Trump in April 2020, tried to tell world about HCQ.

        b) You just said it yourself… TRUMP RECOMMENDED LOCKDOWNS, for 14 days.

        For 14 days.

        14 days.

        I agreed, at the time. “14 days while they figure out wtf this thing is.”

        c) False witness, on your part. Trump mentioned HCQ several times – and got savaged for it.

        d) Says you – imagining his motive.

        e) Blaming Trump for what Dems & media did.

        f) Says you – again imagining motives.

        Grow up, Mike.

      1. Yup. And then he authorized it. He didn’t have to do that. Even Vigano said as much, and was ridiculed for it.

    2. I’ve voted for George W. Bush (X2), John McCain, and Mitt Romney, so I think I’m old enough to understand the lesser-evil rationalization.

      What I’ve learned about that is, it only really works if the leftists have to do the same thing (vote for candidates who incessantly make concessions to the opposition, that is). When one side is always voting for the lesser evil, while the other side is getting all-you-can-eat evil from their candidates, you’re inevitably just going to end up with nothing but mildly varying degrees of evil.

      As I said above, I hope I’m dead wrong about Trump. If you think he’s the only option on the ballot and, at the very least, can buy you some time, you’re going to vote accordingly. I get the rationale for doing so.

      1. As Catholics we can’t adopt the “lesser of 2 evils” approach – but can justify “the principle of double effect.”

  9. The fact that Elon Musk will fund him is not a good sign. People like him because he acts right wing, but it’s completely obvious he worships Lucifer. He just says and does the things normies like, so they trust him. Why would he fund Trump if Trump is anti NWO? Or is he making Trump look suspicious on purpose?

  10. It’s very, very creepy that all those people behind Trump just stayed there — it seems no one ran — with one attendee killed and two others injured (where?) — they stayed and then stood up cheering behind the wounded, bleeding Trump. And FWIW — whoever did organize it is not trying to hide that it was organized. They are not claiming responsibility, but whoever organized it wants everyone to see that it was all planned and organized.

  11. Within SECONDS of the gunman shooting, police snipers shot him. It takes some time to acquire the target, settle down and focus, breathe properly and take the shot. This means the police already had him in their sights, they KNEW he was there, and were waiting. This gives credence to the story that they were waiting on authorization. The idea that this wasn’t a setup is ludicrous.

    The Trump hate on certain sites is insanely hilarious. He’s not “kayfabe”. He’s a relatively successful businessman who knew how to play the game. That doesn’t make him a globalist shill, that doesn’t make him “one of us”. When you look at how the US was founded, you realize that Trump is the type of guy who the Founders envisioned in the White House: a man who has a vested interest in how the union fares, who employs citizens who have an interest in how the union fares. He has business interests in numerous states, so must attempt to create some unity between states. He is a moral reprobate, which is easily the result of the Judeo-Calvinist ideology we’ve adopted since the Civil War.

    He is easily manipulated by pride, by his legacy. His enemies see that. This is why Moderna met with him in April of 2020: they convinced him that, with some federal assistance, they could roll out a shot in record time. They probably guaranteed him that it would save lives and it would win him the election. Why does he NOT disavow the shot? Because he is pissed at Moderna and Pfizer for waiting till after the election. He was told (I am guessing) October. He wants credit for that (as he was promised) when they deprived him of that.

    I don’t have any faith that Trump will save the union. The system will collapse under Trump, or it will take more time (to the elites’ benefit) under Harris. Trump was a speed bump. Now he’s an unwitting tool.

    1. The Founders wanted a guy to provide lethal aid to Ukraine, move the embassy in Israel against international law, assassinate an Iranian general, NOT build a border wall, NOT remove corrupt actors in the administration and poison the entire country with a vaccine he authorized?

      Trump’s moral failures are his own, not the “Judeo-Calvinis Ideology” “we’ve” adopted. Man know when he sins. Sorry.

      Warp Speed had always destined the shot to be released in 2021. The first rollouts for emergency responders came out in December. Remember Tiffany Dover? Of course not. She’s dead thanks to Trump. THis who psychological thing with Moderna and Pfizer is rubbish. Moderna and Pfizer work for the Department of Defense, which Trump let run “Warp Speed”.

      I still stand by what I said. Trump will be dead or in jail before the election, and there may not even be an election. The union is already dead, and it died a very long time ago.

  12. While we’re at it can somebody explain why voting for the lesser evil is not a violation of the principle that we cannot do evil that good can come out of it? Is not voting a greater sin than supporting a candidate who runs on permitting intrinsic evil?

    1. Well, we’ve taken Jesus’ words and used them as imperfect tools. When Jesus told Pilate that the people who brought Him to Pilate had the “greater sin”, we kind of take that to mean that Pilate was completely innocent in the matter. He washed his hands of the blood of Jesus, but they’re still there: he made the decision to kill Him.

      But this decision is pretty simple because we have 2 candidates whose evil we already know. There can be no voting of the lesser evil- they both have contributed greatly to the destruction of the country. And not only that, but we aren’t even going to make that decision: 2020 was not a fair election, it was fraudulent, and we all seem to have forgotten that. Nothing has been done to change the fraudulent system.

      So don’t worry about voting for the lesser evil. Just don’t vote for president.

    2. T
      I wrote the following on another Catholic blog in response to this same question. Because if this premise of yours were true, Catholics could never vote. Ever. I see the premise of your question the fallacy of false equivalence. And I see it all the time among Catholics.

      I wrote this:

      This “lesser of two evils” thing is a great example of the fallacy of false equivalence:

      “False equivalence is a logical fallacy where someone incorrectly asserts that two (or more) things are equivalent simply because they share some characteristics, despite there also being substantial differences between them. For example, a false equivalence is saying that cats and dogs are the same animal, since they’re both mammals and have a tail.

      False equivalences, which generally exaggerate similarities and ignore important differences, can be used to equate a wide range of things, including individuals, groups, actions, or arguments, either implicitly or explicitly. Accordingly, false equivalences are frequently used in debates on various topics, especially when it comes to suggesting that there is a moral equivalence between two or more things that are being equated.”

      These “evils” you speak of are not of the same kind. One is trying to use every means necessary to impose evil by force upon an unwilling population. The other doesn’t talk strongly enough against evil, but still makes tangible progress against it. One is a clear and present danger to me and mine (you and yours); the other an imperfect remedy.

      1. It sounds like consequentialism to me, which is not permitted. The thing about lesser evil is that it is still evil. One of the non-negotiables, or so I heard. Consequences are when you appeal to outcomes.

        Double effect only seems to work if you have to choose between two evil things, right? I don’t see how not voting for evil is not an option, which requires no evil. Someone correct me if I misunderstood this. Maybe I am thinking about the trolley problem.

        When they pretended to care about the non-negotiables, it wasn’t evil. I see no problem with never voting because everyone is openly evil. Best not to sin, even if everyone else is. Even if a trillion dollars or world peace was on the line. Am I saying something that is stupid? Every sin is another stripe on God, who is worth more than all of creation. What good would it do to gain the world but lose your soul? If I really believed these things then it would be highly irrational to choose the lesser evil.

        If consequentialism is okay we can chop off heads for jay walking, because as a consequence more criminals will be afraid to break the law. It in unjust to do so in itself, not because the consequences might be good, but in itself, by disproportionate sanctions.

        1. You don’t understand Double Effect, nor the moral obligation to vote for the Greater Good that is longstanding Catholic Social Teaching.

          1. You should write a post about who the “greater good” is. Because to me Trump and Biden are exactly the same.

        2. T,

          I have taken a graduate course in Moral Theology at Christendom Graduate School, and you are 100% correct. For the principle of double effect to work (which is constantly abused by sophists, especially during the CoVid scamdemic), there has to be only TWO choices, each of which has a bad outcome that is not intended. The classic example that is always taught is the sailor who falls off the ship in a dangerous condition of the seas. There are TWO choices: Attempt a rescue that would sink the ship or leave the sailor behind.

          When both presidential candidates are now pro-abortion, not voting is a third choice and perfectly legitimate and in fact the only Catholic thing to do. Life is not negotiable.

          1. Hello Joel,

            Thank you for sharing your informed understanding of the “principle of double effect” and providing the classic example of the sailor who falls off the ship in a dangerous condition of the sea.

            One of my favorite Russell Crowe movies is Master and Commander and the movie has a “sailor overboard” scene just as you’ve described. Wonder if the director had some Moral Theology underpinnings?

            And then there’s the dinner scene in Crowe’s cabin where the officers are betting on a race between to two weavils of different sizes and proportion, who emerged from the ‘hardtack dinner rolls.”

            Russell poses the question which one to bet on….and then answers his question with “When confronted with two weevils one should always pick the lesser..”

            Here’s a quote from The Imitation of Christ, Chapter 12, Acquiring Patience and Striving Against Concupiscence:

            ” O Lord God, patience, as I perceive, is very necessary for me, for this life is exposed to many adversities. For, notwithstanding all I can do to live in peace, my life cannot be without war and sorrow.

            Christ: So it is son; but I would not have thee seek for such a peace as to be without temptations or meet with no adversities.

            But even then to think that thou hast found peace when thou shalt be exercised with divers tribulations and tried in many adversities.

            If thou shalt say thou art no able to suffer so much , how then wilt thou endure the fire of purgatory?

            Of two evils one ought always to choose the less.

            How would your Christendom College Moral Theology class reconcile the Imitation of Christ’s admonition of ” Of the two evils one ought always to choose the less.” with the principle/doctrine of double effect?

            ” What we do in this life echoes in Eternity.” Russell Crowe, The Gladiator 😉

          2. Joel,
            Your “pro-abortion candidate”, Trump, gave us three Justices that ended Roe. Huh?! That makes him the *only* one in my lifetime, much less today, who is quantifiably, certifiably *pro-life*.

            Politicians my entire lifetime have pandered, squandered, failed – talk, talk, fail, fail; sounds great, nothing ever changes. And they all seemed fine with that, at the end of the day.

            The Pro-Life movement has worked and prayed my entire lifetime to end Roe, and national abortion mandates. We’ve all pounded the pavement for the cause I’m sure. To no effect – year after discouraging year. Reagan did not end it. Bush I and II did not. Decades going by. Literally almost my entire life with more abortion, not less. Then … Trump did it. Just like that. With all the forces of hell arrayed against him in four short years he sealed the deal and gave us the Justices to kill the national death-demon we called Roe.

            Your premise that Biden = Trump is illogical (at best).

          3. Joel,
            Except … both candidates are not pro-abortion. One is violently so. The other is objectively, qualitatively anti- abortion, more so than any other politician in my lifetime.

            That renders your premise meaningless.

          4. Joel,
            I think you are incorrect in your formulation. I see this instead –

            – quote –

            “Formulation of the Principle. Classical formulations of the principle of double effect require that four conditions be met if the action in question is to be morally permissible:

            first, that the action contemplated be in itself either morally good or morally indifferent;

            second, that the bad result not be directly intended;

            third, that the good result not be a direct causal result of the bad result;

            fourth, that the good result be “proportionate to” the bad result.

            Supporters of the principle argue that, in situations of “double effect” where all these conditions are met, the action under consideration is morally permissible despite the bad result.”

            – end quote –


            It looks to me like a theologian’s template for how to solve difficult, practical dilemmas. St Thomas began the work, so obviously it’s legit, though complex … like real life.

      2. Donald Trump authorized a bioweapon, lied about it, and still lies about it. Millions are dead because of him. That’s just a fact.

        Pilate killed Jesus, but the Jews made Jesus available. Biden mandated the vax, briefly, and employers and universities and schools mandated it, but only because Trump made it available.

        Who has the greater sin? Trump.

        The only difference between Biden and Trump is how their evil manifests.

    3. T,

      It is a violation. No Catholic can vote for Donald Trump now that he has gotten the Republican platform to include acceptance of abortion and sodomy. I won’t be voting for him. That has always been my rule: If the candidate is not pro-life, I won’t vote for him. And do we really want an idiot who marries a devil worshiping Hindu as our vice president? I guess no Christian women were available for J.D. Vance to marry? Or they wouldn’t marry him? Why? What did they know about him?

      But these days, I don’t even vote because it only perpetuates a freemasonic criminal enterprise. I haven’t voted since 2018. If voting made any difference from a Catholic standpoint, the freemasons would have already made voting illegal. They already cheat whenever they feel the outcome won’t go their way, and they control both sides. Gemma O”Doherty is 100% correct about this. Personally, I think Donald Trump is trying to lose the 2024 election, with as much drama as possible. J.D. Vance was the worst pick he could have chosen. If he actually does win (very doubtful), it would be four more years of chaos again because of his lousy cabinet picks.

      If 50% of Americans stopped voting, that would bring down the state, and there would be real change. The best thing these days is simply not to interact with the State at all when possible.

      1. Joel,
        There is a big difference between (a) saying nothing about sodomy in the platform of a candidate and (b) mandating sodomy, perhaps abortion too (like China).

        The Catholic virtue of prudence demands you choose between these fundamentally different things. One is violence; the other an imperfect remedy.

          1. Mark,

            I certainly need it, ’cause I don’t even know what’s that.

  13. Interestingly enough, a “meteor “ flew across NYC in broad daylight 🤔
    Oh, and there’s no lesser evil, evil is evil and one cannot participate therein.

    1. One evil will ultimately impose its perversity on an unwilling population and imprison those who fail to accept and convert.

      The other is an imperfect remedy to eventually, though not immediately end the evil.

      I see no evidence that Trump is trying to impose abortion and Tranny ideology upon us, much less imprison those who fail to assent. He is not as strong on some of the issues that I care most about.

      Your position gives us Biden and the end of hope for positive change. Your position gives us serious life changing persecution the lines of which we’ve only read about in books.

      In the end – Catholics convert souls away from perversity and evil. I just want my government to not put me and mine in prison for failing to join them on their Highway to Hell. That would be great.

      Those are fundamentally different things. The fallacy of false equivalence.

    2. hmmmmmm…..guess Jesus REALLY screwed up when He picked judas, eh?
      …or when He ‘participated’ in a world utterly steeped in mortal sin and concupiscence, EH?
      …but oh, yeah, that’s right!….that David guy, “a man after God’s own Heart”….was a totally perfect and spotless leader who did everything right all his life….just like you. We could have really voted hard for him!….eh?

      Better throw away that stinky old Bible….it’s full of reeeaaally imperfect and sinful creatures being used by God, and sometimes being utterly transformed. Yeah….that’s it….throw away that Bible, sit at home and don’t vote, cause they’re ALL totally sinful. Ohhhh, better idea; go vote for yourself.

      Bet there’s one guy you and Mike really like in the Bible…he despised the stinky old publican too.

      1. Susan,

        It sounds like you have been way too influenced by Franciscan University, Inc. Where does the Bible promote American liberalism? Are you seriously comparing Donald Trump to Jesus Christ?

        1. Joel,
          I think you missed her point.

          God works with imperfect clay, which includes all of us – her point.

      2. God also sent Gideon so you tell me what do we deduce from this? God gave Solomon wisdom and power, too.

        1. T,
          We deduce that Jesus chose imperfect Peter as His Vicar over the Pharisee bragging about his righteousness in the public square. And we deduce that *while we were yet sinners*, Christ died for us … not because we were worthy of so great a sacrifice, but purely His sacrificial love (“Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us … “ – Titus 3:5-7)

          We are imperfect clay. Grace alone, and our cooperation with it the sole reason anyone advanced towards holiness.

  14. The comments here are full of references to the evil of Trump and his support for abortion and that Trump = Biden. Here is the actual platform upon which he is running.

    Could someone point out the evil parts of this? Because I agree with the entire thing. We already won on abortion, since Trump got rid of it with his Justices … so it’s not mentioned as a platform goal. So – what’s the evil in it?

    1. Why have the non-negotiables become negotiables for the sake of unity and victory? Why is everyone okay with this when a few years ago everyone was saying that you cannot vote for intrinsic evil. Hasn’t things like the “God Bless USA” Bible raised any suspicion that religion is being used for political ends?

      I don’t say that God did not spare his life, but I don’t think people should blindly follow him as God’s anointed king. Gideon was sent by God and later led people to idolatry.

      1. T,
        Your premise is that a vote for Trump is a vote for intrinsic evil – lesser, greater … doesn’t matter if it is non-negotiable intrinsic evil. That is a false premise. Because there is none.

        First, the fact of Life is that Trump gave us three Justices who drove a stake through the black heart of Roe. National right to abort is ended – thanks to *Trump*.

        Trump’s 2024 platform:

        Please explain what is evil in this.

        You say we cannot support the “lesser of two evils”. What is evil, even remotely, greater or lesser, in this detailed platform plan for the next critical four years?

        1. I don’t think anything I can say can change your mind, like anything I can say can change your mind about Francis. The Republican Party has done a 180 for the sake of political victory, and suddenly pro-life is no longer in the cards. It is a compromise to say that states should decide for themselves whether to allow abortion or not. If you believed abortion is really the grotesque evil that it is, you would not tolerate it for the sake of victory. You haven’t seen what the Neo-Republican party is now pushing!

          Now you have Catholics now defending what was undefendable because “it is the only way to win”.

          1. T,
            I honestly don’t know what you’re asking about. Why do you think I ir anyone thinks “pro-life is no longer in the cards”. Just because Ann Barnhardt says it, does not make necessarily true.

            Everyone who was pro-life before, remains pro-life now, and they have a friend in Donald Trump and the Republican Party.

            And the Democrat Party are leftist commies who want to put you and yours in prison.

            How is this not the easiest choice in the world?

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