“May this terrible Judge be ever present to the eyes of your mind”

(It is best to consider Divine Mercy when lamenting past sins, and best to consider Divine Justice when navigating present battles and dangers yet to come. -nvp)

Our present feast-days are only the shadow of those we are expecting, and, though year after year we are celebrating them, we are longing for those never-ending days in the kingdom of God. Renew in your hearts the desire of the eternal festivities by the celebration of the annual earthly festivals.

Let the happiness granted to us in the present time penetrate us in such a way that we continue sighing for the eternal happiness prepared for us in heaven, and ardently desired by us on earth. Prepare yourselves for that eternal rest by amending your lives and practising virtue and holiness. Never forget that He Who in His Resurrection was meekness itself, will be terrible when coming to judge the world.

On this awful day He will appear surrounded by Angels, Archangels, Thrones, Principalities and Powers.

On that day heaven and earth and all the elements, being the ministers of His wrath, will be in a general conflagration.

May this terrible Judge be ever present to the eyes of your mind, that, penetrated by a salutary fear of His severe judgment, that is to be held, you may confidently expect His coming.

Let us fear now, that we may be without fear then, and this fear will help us to avoid sin and work out our salvation. For I tell you that the more we are now afraid to rouse the anger of our Judge against us, the greater will be our confidence when we appear before Him at the end of the world.

-Pope St. Gregory the Great (+604),Basilica of St. John Lateran, 1st Sunday after Easter

There is more: https://wdtprs.com/2024/04/on-divine-mercy-sunday-a-sobering-thought-from-a-pope-about-that-terrible-day/

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