Feast of St John Lateran: the Pope’s Cathedral

Sorry for the lack of original posts. My day job has required much from me these last weeks. Just now recovering from a lingering illness, plus a nerve injury for which I finally started treatment. A lot going on, in addition to Big Thing seemingly playing out before our eyes. Get on your knees, folks.

St. John Lateran is the Cathedral Archbasilica of the Diocese of Rome. Why does a church have a feast day? Because it is the Mother Church of the whole world. The name comes from both SS John the Baptist and John the Evangelist, plus the site where it was built, on the estate of the Laterani family in ancient Rome. It was originally built by Constantine in the early Fourth Century. Eventually destroyed, it was rebuilt and the current structure was reconsecrated on this day in 1726 by Pope Benedict XIII.

The place is spectacular, of course, the ceiling in particular. Google yourself some pictures. The icon of this blog is actually the ceiling of the Baptistery, which is its own little building and original to the Fourth Century church.

Much to think about, as we now celebrate this feast of the pope’s Cathedral without a valid pope, Pope Benedict having gone to his reward last December. The usurper Bergoglio is not pope, nor has he ever been pope, since Pope Benedict never validly resigned. Pope Benedict obviously and with full visibility intended to remain some kind of pope, while falsely delegating the governance part, which ironically means he retained the whole thing. Canon law says so. Today would be a good day for someone to speak up.


4 thoughts on “Feast of St John Lateran: the Pope’s Cathedral”

  1. May speedy healing be yours.

    I’m bereft that the few seemingly faithful cardinals left do not recognize Bergoglio for the usurper he is. The poor lambs are being led to the slaughter whatwith transgender godparents, sodomite parents being validated, etc. The shepherds do nothing. The red of the cardinals is rendered meaningless as they will not lay down their lives for souls. Come, Lord Jesus!

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