One thought on “This glorious Queen…”

  1. What an honor and privilege it is for us to love the Mother of God! Thank you for posting this meditation.

    Speaking of the Assumption of the Blessed Mother, our priest referred yesterday at Mass to several of the prayers in the old version of the Mass for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, pre-1950. If I recall his words correctly, after Pius XII defined the dogma of the Assumption, the propers of the Mass for August 15 were revised to reflect the clarity of his definition. This revision resulted in the propers we Traditional Catholics (1962) heard yesterday. But there is beauty in the previous prayers as well. I downloaded a 1945 Missal, looked up the Assumption propers, and found them inspiring.

    Specifically, our priest referred to the Secret:
    May, O Lord, the prayer of the Mother of God come to the aid of Thy people. We know that, as is the lot of all mankind, even she has passed away from among us; nevertheless, make us to feel that in Thy glorious heaven, she is for evermore our advocate with Thee.

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