Admiral Dick wants a full Summer of Pride so there is enough time to indoctrinate ALL the kids








VIDEO (visit for the comments):

  • hhsgov's profile picture
    Today officially marks the First Day of Summer! All summer long we will be celebrating “Summer of Pride” as HHS works to ensure a healthier future for ALL people living in the United States, during #pridemonth and beyond. Let the #SummerOfPride begin! First up in our #summerofpride series, artist, musician, LGBTQI+ advocate @ryancassata and Assistant Secretary for Health ADM Rachel Levine talk about transgender health, and how important it is for both mental and physical health. As Ryan says in his verse, “hold on, you belong.” Our message to the trans community, and especially trans youth, is that you have a President and an Administration who supports you. You belong, and have a place in our great nation. #pride #ryancassata #mentalhealth #genderaffirmingcare

  • jeff.galanzzi's profile picture
    Not a woman. Not an admiral. Seek psychiatric help and stop pushing this twisted agenda on children

  • couchgodd's profile picture
    You aint rachel bro. You a man!

  • arfarmsid's profile picture
    Because a month isn’t enough cuz they’re the “bravest people ever”😂😂😂

9 thoughts on “Admiral Dick wants a full Summer of Pride so there is enough time to indoctrinate ALL the kids”

  1. “Therefore, God handed them over to impurity through the lusts of their hearts for the mutual degradation of their bodies.”

    It’s over for the USA. In my opinion it’s been over since the 60s, but we’re in the late stage now.

    1. It will collapse whenever the cultists decide it will collapse. Until people see on TV announcing the collapse they’ll keep carrying on like nothing happened, similar to how people will wait until the media announces the “vaccine” is deadly–which of course they won’t do until they arrange for their own safety.

    2. It’s been over since it’s inception. The U.S. Constitution was never compatible (and never intended to be) with the Social Reign of Christ the King. It is Freemasonic to the core. Louie explains it here very nicely.

  2. Please, Where did the sane in the crumbling Roman Empire go? To escape. I can’t do caves at my age.

  3. What really pisses me off…

    An 18 year old guy, fresh out of High Schoo can enlist in the military, go to Iraq/Afghanistan/whatever-stan we invade next, take a roadside IED to the face, survive, and he will have to salute that THING just because he wears some stripes on his coat!

    A complete joke, and everyone knows it.

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