Kaiser Permanente, a healthcare company with hospitals across the United States, issued a mandatory training course for all Kaiser employees in Southern California. The course covered topics on “gender-affirming care,” which included information on mastectomies, hysterectomies, vaginoplasties, and phalloplasties. Internal documents indicated that these procedures are allowed to be performed on minors. The training also offered tips for proper binding and tucking.

The presentation began with an introduction on The Platinum Rule: someone is the gender they say they are when they say they are regardless of their transition process. It also emphasized that gender-affirming surgeries or hormones are not necessary for one to transition. Essentially, Kaiser Medical is instructing its nurses to follow arbitrary guidelines rather than the science itself.

Nurses were also given information on which Kaiser hospitals perform gender-affirming surgeries and issue hormone therapy. Adolescents can get hysterectomies, orchiectomies and hormone therapy at all Kaiser locations. Genital and chest surgeries are offered at some of Kaiser’s medical centers across California and Hawaii.

The criteria for Mastectomies is minimal. Girls under the age of eighteen are eligible for the surgery, as long as they receive parental consent and one letter within twelve months. Hormone therapy is not required to undergo the procedure, but it is required for hysterectomies (removal of the uterus), and orchiectomies (removal of the testicles). Adolescents can also receive “gender-affirming” estrogen and testosterone therapy, which can affect fertility and sexual function, and might lead to health problems.

Catholic hospitals too, the scum!
Looks like now that Covid is over the deathcare industry needs a new schtick.
I can think of more enjoyable ways of going to Hell than to have my body mutilated or mutilating someone else’s.
How do people pay for these procedures? Do insurance companies and Medicaid cover these procedures since they are not medically necessary? Can we expect to see an overall increase in insurance premiums if companies are required to pay for these mutilations? What a waste of medical resources, not to mention violation of the 5th Commandment.
Meanwhile, the Russian Duma just voted overwhelmingly to make any of this evil nonsense illegal in Russia.
This is why I avoid the physicians office. I don’t want some freak RN or MD touching me