That guy is having a complete mental breakdown. That’s over-the-top for one who knows they just lost their career.
That behavior perfectly reasonable for one who suddenly know they are a dead man.
The level of confusion he’s showing, I think he is scared out of his mind of his bosses at Pfizer (or somewhere else…). Makes me wonder what else he knows about them that isn’t public knowledge.
4 billion people vaxxed would be 180,000 a week, which is 9.36 million a year. Of course I think this year it’s going to go way, way beyond that since for most it will be 2 years since most people get vaxxed and Dr. Tenpenny and others have said 2 year give or take a few months is when your time is up.
Macabre, but we have to prepare for a mass death event.
I’m also big on “Devil’s Advocate” or looking at 2 sides of a story. Some other possible explanations for the excess deaths are:
– some actual covid; deaths rates have plunged as variants get lighter & the most vulnerable people died already; but there will still be a few excess covid deaths
– among older people, “widower effect” where the death of one married person 1-2 years ago claims the life of their spouse later. i.e. now
– among younger people, THE LOCKDOWNS left a trail of job losses, depression, drug addictions, gang fights etc.
– the covid years 2020-21 delayed a lot of health checks on all sorts of problems, leaving some people worse off now, e.g. stage 3 cancer that might have been caught at stage 1
– stress-related heart attacks – may be less hokey than it sounds; some people say it’s a known thing that after wars, after big disasters, etc. heart attacks will go up for a few years
Could be “all of the above” including vaxx-specific myocarditis clots etc.
Look at the latest from Project Veritas.
That guy is having a complete mental breakdown. That’s over-the-top for one who knows they just lost their career.
That behavior perfectly reasonable for one who suddenly know they are a dead man.
The level of confusion he’s showing, I think he is scared out of his mind of his bosses at Pfizer (or somewhere else…). Makes me wonder what else he knows about them that isn’t public knowledge.
Hats off to James O’Keefe and his team. May God bless and shield him from the enemy.
Pray he does not get Neumayred.
So to extrapolate it to the US, that would be 15,000 extra here in the US.
4 billion people vaxxed would be 180,000 a week, which is 9.36 million a year. Of course I think this year it’s going to go way, way beyond that since for most it will be 2 years since most people get vaxxed and Dr. Tenpenny and others have said 2 year give or take a few months is when your time is up.
Macabre, but we have to prepare for a mass death event.
I think the vaxx play a role.
I’m also big on “Devil’s Advocate” or looking at 2 sides of a story. Some other possible explanations for the excess deaths are:
– some actual covid; deaths rates have plunged as variants get lighter & the most vulnerable people died already; but there will still be a few excess covid deaths
– among older people, “widower effect” where the death of one married person 1-2 years ago claims the life of their spouse later. i.e. now
– among younger people, THE LOCKDOWNS left a trail of job losses, depression, drug addictions, gang fights etc.
– the covid years 2020-21 delayed a lot of health checks on all sorts of problems, leaving some people worse off now, e.g. stage 3 cancer that might have been caught at stage 1
– stress-related heart attacks – may be less hokey than it sounds; some people say it’s a known thing that after wars, after big disasters, etc. heart attacks will go up for a few years
Could be “all of the above” including vaxx-specific myocarditis clots etc.
And regardless. it needs looking-at.
In the stats from England, add in National Health.
Very good analysis.
The experts blame cholesterol, eggs, skipping breakfast, video games and climate change.
So now it’s the unvaxxed fault they didn’t warn the vaxxed of the dangers…
Say Chaplet of the Precious Blood. It’s about blood. And of course receive It.