‘Sudden deaths’ in Germany increased 600% after deathvaxx rollout

While there were between 13 and 17 reported cases of sudden or unspecified deaths per day between 2016 and 2020, that number increased dramatically to around 100 per day

(LifeSiteNews) — Sudden deaths in Germany spiked after the rollout of the COVID vaccines, insurance data has revealed.  

A dataset released by the KBV, an association representing all doctors in Germany who receive insurance, showed an alarming increase in ‘sudden deaths’ and ‘vague or unspecified causes of death’ since the rollout of the experimental COVID injections. The dataset was released following a Freedom of Information request by the German parliamentary party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) and was presented at a press conference by the data activist Tom Lausen. 

Lausen’s first graph in his presentation shows that there was a sharp increase in “sudden deaths” of patients and similar occurrences like, “death occurring within fewer than 24 hours after onset of symptoms” and “other vague or unspecified causes of death.” This jump occurred at the beginning of 2021, corresponding with the rollout of the COVID injections. While there were between 13 and 17 reported cases of sudden or unspecified deaths per day between 2016 and 2020, that number increased dramatically to around 100 per day. 


8 thoughts on “‘Sudden deaths’ in Germany increased 600% after deathvaxx rollout”

  1. Does it strike anyone else as strange that there is no outcry from the life insurance industry? How long before rates go through the roof for everyone (because they wouldn’t dare raise rates just on the jabbed)?

    1. This question was raised on the latest podcast. Aren’t life insurance premiums about to soar? If there any way to prove you’re unjabbed?

      1. They probably want to raise them, but are in a catch-22, where they’ll have to admit the fact, and this will not go unnoticed, and that is going to upset a lot of people, so they are likely trying to wait it out as long as possible. I don’t doubt there is pressure on their necks being applied by both sides. But most likely, premiums will be raised across the board regardless so as to better facilitate their losses and avoid the scandal.

  2. I thought for sure the suddenly night football fauci flop would have started a storm. And yet nothing. At least not that I can see. Which may be exactly what it is. That I can’t see it. Yet.

  3. What I worry about is that the powers that he have thought this through and have a plan of action when public outcry over vax deaths begins in earnest.

    1. After 3 years it seems safe to assume that the people won’t wake up till the media forces them to, which would mean that they already set up the next stage.

  4. 2023 is the year. 2 years from your first jab plus or minus a few months. You can die via cell death (nano lipid particle), auto-immune death (immune system attacking you), lack of immune system (AIDS) with aggressive new cancer, and via the spike protein itself (clots, heart attacks, dementia, etc).

    The most evil act ever committed against humanity.

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