New York Gov. Kathy Hochul on Friday declared a state of emergency over polio to boost vaccination rates in the state amid further evidence that the virus is spreading in communities.
Poliovirus has now been detected in sewage samples from four counties in the New York metro area as well as in the city itself. The counties are Rockland, Orange, Sullivan, and the latest, Nassau.
The samples tested positive for poliovirus that can cause paralysis in humans, according to state health officials. Unvaccinated individuals who live, work, go to school or visit Orange, Rockland, Nassau, New York City and Sullivan are at the highest risk of paralytic disease, officials said.
New York began wastewater surveillance after an unvaccinated adult caught polio in Rockland County in July and suffered from paralysis, the first known infection in the U.S. in nearly a decade.
The emergency declaration will expand the network of vaccine administrators to include pharmacists, midwives and EMS workers in an effort to boost the immunization rate in areas where it has slipped.
New York Health Commissioner Dr. Mary Bassett called on people who are unvaccinated to get their shots immediately. Individuals and families who are unsure of their vaccination status should contact a health care provider, clinic or the county health department to make sure they are up to date on their shots.
“On polio, we simply cannot roll the dice,” Bassett said. “I urge New Yorkers to not accept any risk at all. Polio immunization is safe and effective — protecting nearly all people against disease who receive the recommended doses.”
The polio vaccination rate is alarmingly low in some New York counties. The vaccination rate is 60% in Rockland, 58% in Orange, 62% in Sullivan and 79% in Nassau, according to the health department. The statewide average for polio immunization is about 79%.
The goal of the vaccination campaign is to boost immunization rates well above 90% statewide, according to the health department.
Some New Yorkers should get boosted
Some New Yorkers who completed their vaccine series should receive a single lifetime booster shot, health officials said. These individuals include people who might have contact with someone infected or thought to be infected with poliovirus or members of the infected person’s household.
Health care workers should also get a booster if they work in areas where poliovirus has been detected and they might handle specimens or treat patients who may have polio. People who might be exposed to wastewater due to their job should also consider getting a booster, health officials said.
All children should receive four doses of the polio vaccine. The first dose is administered between 6 weeks and 2 months of age, the second dose is given at 4 months, the third at 6 months to 18 months, and the fourth dose at 4 to 6 years old.
Adults who have only received one or two doses should get the remaining one or two. Health officials said it doesn’t matter how long ago the first doses were given.
Another benefit of the Global Economy and Refugee Racket!
Want to avoid Polio? Wash your hands after you defecate. Clean water and improved personal hygiene are the keys to avoiding such things as Polio, Typhus, Typhoid Fever, and Cholera, something that we seem to have forgotten in this country. Vaccination, not so much.
They probably should check the pesticide and toxin exposure. Lots of evidence that this is in fact the cause of paralysis heretofore attributed to polio virus.
Indeed, I read that FDR contracted “polio” after swimming near a rural apple orchard that had recently been treated with insecticide. My own mother had polio in 1950; she survived with no damage whatsoever, but her best friend got it at the same time and ended up in a wheelchair. Both girls were 12 and both live on COTTON farms in Texas that had been treated with insecticide against boll weevils. Why does polio spike in the summer? That’s when farmers use the most insecticides. No proof, and I am a math teacher, not a scientist, but there is a strong correlation.
We have never been told the truth about vaccination.
Read the book Turtles All the Way Down. Absolutely fascinating.
The article fails to mention these cases are from foreign countries where the oral polio vaccine is still administered. (Banned in the US because the oral vax strain is contagious. That means all new cases are not wild polio, but polio from the vax. See Gates foundation polio vax causes 500,000 cases of flaccid paralysis India for more info.
I literally saw a white liberal lady just a few days ago, cheer all the “diversity!”.
We have millions of brain-dead cheerleaders for more of this.
I have to wonder whether this polio vaccine is a prophylactic for the recycled water regimen they are so generously promising us. Great points made above.
Sorry, the above comment had a howler of an error. 50,000 cases of child paralysis after the polio vaccine campaign in India, not 500,000! Still a terrible number.
An excellent book to read about “Polio” is Moth in the Iron Lung.
Important article about something I suspected.
Why would Russia and China play along with a US created covid hoax?
Because the vexxines and pandemics are a sleight of hand to cover up the great worldwide financial collapse that is happening. A reset, if you will, to zero.
Hide the data underneath deliberate covid lockdown and Ukraine war sanction sabotage. And set up commie control grids to police the population before they come after you. Even easier if you reduce their size or permanently disable them.
Depopulation and demographic collapse also exacerbates the problem, but the priority for the elites is their safety.