During 2020 riots, this group started a fundraiser to put up billboards to inspire.

They are back, in a big way. Now 16 locations! I was somewhat surprised how cheaply this can be done:

Maybe you can start something like this where you live? I’m sure this group would let you re-use their sunk-cost creative. https://holyheartsofjmj.org/
Holy Hearts of JMJ Origin Story
“The riots and unrest of the summer of 2020 inspired a concerned Catholic woman to do something meaningful and impactful. Being among the ranks of the Church Militant, immediate action was needed to defend the Church and country during this distressing time.
“The result of weeks of prayer and contemplation was the idea of making public reparations to Our Lord and Our Lady through a vibrant Catholic billboard campaign. This was indeed an answer to prayer and a grace from the hands of Our Blessed Mother.
“The idea was enthusiastically received, and two women selflessly offered to help with logistics and graphic design. They partnered with many generous benefactors and were able to display Catholic billboards at 13 locations in August of 2020 and 10 additional areas in September and October of the same year.
“The public response was outstanding! People were stunned to see Catholic billboards along the freeways of metro Phoenix. Word spread rapidly through social media, and Catholic ministries in several states wanted to do the same. Billboard art was shared, and help was given to launch campaigns and establish relationships with local billboard companies.
“And just like that, Catholic billboards went up from California to New York and several states in between!”
I always though it would be cool to put up a billboard showing a Gothic cathedral with the legend “Who do you think invented Goth?” and under that the message: “Serving your community for 2000 years.”
Wow! I love this! I have long thought about using billboards, but lacking creativity and funding myself didn’t pursue. Thanks Mark, this is inspiring.
Hello Mark.. thank you so much for this article! We do hope and pray this will spread all over the country and beyond. I am part of the group that started this.. I have to add to your commentary if you don’t mind.. it is rather cheap to do this, much cheaper than we expected, and considering it is probably more expensive in Phoenix than many other places. However, the deal we got this time with the 16 locations are “rotating” locations under 2 full slots (rather than 16 full slots), so 2 full slots (2 boards will show our image approximately every minute) that each travel around 8 locations.. so 16 locations altogether. it is nice because it covers a lot of area of the city, all in highly visible places. but it is showing only showing at two locations every minute, if that makes sense..
when we did this initially in 2020, we did get 13 full slots, because of an unbelievable deal we got through one of the companies that were having basically a “covid” special.. no one was buying slots, because no one was driving, so they were running a limited time special of 10 full slots at 10 locations at $5,000 to get business. We took full advantage!!
But yes, it is much cheaper and easier to do than we expected and there is so much enthusiasm here in Phoenix with so many very generous people willing to donate. People are really excited about it, they really love to see these, especially when they are not expecting to see them :). We would LOVE to help anyone start this in their area. Please feel free to reach out to us. https://holyheartsofjmj.org/contact-us