Rules for thee but not for me. Sing through masks, you grandma killers. And hilarity ensued.
The Edinburgh Festival Chorus were due to perform Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony alongside the Philadelphia Orchestra
A performance of Beethoven has been axed after a British orchestra refused to back down to a US orchestra’s Covid mask demands.
The Edinburgh Festival Chorus were due to perform Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony alongside the Philadelphia Orchestra at the Edinburgh International Festival.
But the choir rejected the US orchestra’s calls to wear face masks while singing, meaning the event has been cancelled…

Good for them, more cojones like theirs are needed to defeat the evil ones.
This choir’s actions leave me speechless but luckily, I am still able to type a comment if only just. They simply haven’t got the first clue about The Science and are clearly unaware that singing can spread Covid literally for miles and is even more dangerous than breathing or talking normally (though admittedly not as bad as flushing the toilet). They need disbanding and every last one of them to be sent to Peterhead to work 14 hours a day with the fishing fleet and then listen to a minimum of 4 hours of Scottish sea shanties each evening. Then they might at least hear some real music.
Bully for the Scots!
I have had to sing this piece in concert many times. It is basically screaming in tune. I would have rejected their demands as well.
This is the first example of any choir or orchestra pushing back on the corona cult that I’ve heard of. Bully for them! I hope there are others, but nearly all the orchestras I know of rushed to immolate themselves on the altar of the corona goddess two years ago, and have only recently begun to tolerate performing in front of audiences (you know, those people that pay their bills) again. A large number of musicians are STILL afraid of facing the world open-faced. I would find it hard to imagine Beethoven or Bach or any other great composer having anything but disdain for these musicians’ antics (in my mere opinion). It’s incredibly frustrating to be in musical circles these days.