RIP Fr. Kenneth Walker, FSSP, eight years later

Last night was the eighth anniversary of the murder of Fr. Kenneth Walker, FSSP, inside the Mater Misericordiae rectory in Phoenix. We know for a fact that Fr. Walker was able to receive the sacraments before he died, thanks be to God. We also know that Fr. Walker had a great devotion to our Blessed Mother, and the Rosary.  So he would have prayed the fourth glorious mystery three days a week, at minimum. The fruit of the mystery is a well provided death. I pray for him, but I also pray to him, though not nearly enough. I’ve reprinted the following a few times on this somber day:

Folks, keep your head on a swivel, and stay confessed. In this world of chaos, you really don’t know what is coming next. This goes for everyone, of course, but especially priests.

Fr. Z. wrote a piece related to this a few years ago, on the third anniversary of Father’s murder. Fr. Z repeats words of advice he gave at the time HERE.

Fr. Kenneth Walker, FSSP, was murdered in Phoenix and another priest (Fr. Joseph Terra, the pastor) badly injured by assault. Pray for Fr. Walker. RIP. At that time I posted the following, which seems no less urgent today than it did then. Indeed, it could be more urgent still, given the trajectory of current events.

“Reverend gentlemen, the murder of one priest and the assault on another in Phoenix compels me to remind you to…GO TO CONFESSION. Our schedules are busy. Sometimes we have to drive even farther than lay people. But go to confession. Take the time to do this for yourself. Much has been given to us. Our accounting before God will be more severe than that of lay people…Moreover, consider well your living conditions and security. If you haven’t done so yet, begin to develop a situational awareness. Seek advice from professionals. This is not just a matter of personal concern. It is also a concern for those who depend on you for the sacraments. A priest in the ground or in the hospital is one priest fewer to see to the spiritual needs of people in these darkening times. You, Fathers, are a precious resource, only slowly “renewable”. If you are not concerned for the sake of your own person, be concerned for the sake of those who need you…I might now add to seek, along with advice, perhaps also training.”

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,

and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May the souls of the faithful departed,

through the mercy of God, rest in peace.


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