British Columbia to hire foreign nurses instead of letting unvaxxed return to work

The B.C. government has pledged $12 million in taxpayer money to fund streamlining the process of hiring foreign nurses.

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VICTORIA, British Columbia (LifeSiteNews) — Amid a nursing staff shortage, British Columbia says it will make it easier for foreign nurses to get licensed instead of letting unvaccinated nurses return to work.

During a press conference on Tuesday, B.C. Health Minister Adrian Dix announced that the province is looking into ways to expedite the registration and licensing process for internationally educated nurses in order to combat the ongoing worker shortage. Despite the desperate need for nurses, the healthcare system is maintaining its policy that those fired over their COVID-19 vaccine status will still not be allowed to return to work.

“Our government is committed to addressing the province’s demand for nurses. That’s why we’re launching this comprehensive suite of supports for internationally educated nurses to help them put their skills to use here in BC,” Dix said.

“Removing some financial barriers and streamlining the assessment process will facilitate pathways to employment in the province and ensure British Columbians have access to the healthcare they deserve with even more nurses and healthcare assistants,” added Dix, referencing that the province has now allocated $12 million in taxpayer money to fund the effort.

While provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry rescinded the vaccine passport system for the public in early April, announcing B.C. is “in a place where we can go from mandated requirements to managing our own health,” she has nonetheless doubled down on the mandate for public healthcare workers despite the shortage… BC’s mandate did not allow for exemptions on religious or conscience grounds, and the medical exemptions were so narrow that one would have to have an adverse reaction to the first dose of the injection to be exempt from the second…

10 thoughts on “British Columbia to hire foreign nurses instead of letting unvaxxed return to work”

  1. I have a feeling they like immigrants because they desire wage slaves who will do everything they say to remain in developed nations.

    1. You would be correct. Spot on. We are doing the same here in the U. S. We are being replaced. Well, conquered really. By our governments. Feels good, huh??

  2. It is sad that the nurses union agrees with this, after all the 4 thousand nurses most likely have been working and caring for patient for many years, just to be replaced with new foreign works.

  3. Please understand: “healthcare” is pretty much gone. They don’t care about quality of staff, staffing ratios, in fact, the more people who die, the better. I have worked with a few foreign imports. Bright people, very fluent in English. Both were treated better than American workers, and knew it. They viewed Americans as stupid, and smugly bragged about their houses back in their countries of origin, that they were just in America to make money, and when war broke out, they were outta here. One German and one Eastern European, not sure of the country.

  4. Foreign nurses? Hell no. I don’t mean to put anyone down. But I have had several bad experiences with foreign nurses… Some of them, I don’t even allow them to work on my pets if they insist. Why? Some of them, I swore, I don’t think they ever went to or even passed the high school yet. I don’t think their “training” or “education to be a nurse” is equal to the mid-school in the US.
    I am serious. They don’t speak English. They don’t treat patients with respect and they don’t know their ground. They don’t understand the law and the culture of the American people. They treat you as they treat their own in third-world countries.
    Hell No. If I have to spend arms and legs for my health insurance, I demand the best services from the top-notch doctors and nurses who are educated and trained here in the USA or equivalent.
    They gonna give you Nigerian nurses or African nurses, Chinese nurses, Indian nurses, S. America nurses. No, thank you. I take my health and my money somewhere else.

    1. I agree – if I have to basically get second mortgage to pay medical bills, I don’t want a bunch of third worlders looking down on me and giving substandard care.

  5. Translation: Nurses who think independently will not be tolerated. We want nurses who will fall in line, take orders, and have their brains switched to “off”
    Shut up, slave.
    Oh and make no mistake: These nurses are really indentured servants. Their visas, wages, and housing are all conditional upon their willingness to do as their told.

  6. You can be assured that unvaccinated nurses are the same ones who won’t going along with the COVID Cull. THAT is precisely why they’re being eliminated

  7. Here’s what I don’t understand: all of these wonderful, highly-qualified, principled health practitioners have been kicked out, but they haven’t ceased to exist, right? At the same time, there’s a high demand from people like me who would gladly pay out the nose for my family to receive healthcare directly from these folks. To set up an alternative health system, the red tape must seem insurmountable, but is it *impossible*? That’s what I wonder.

    1. Great point. I would much prefer nurses that are NOT buying the propaganda, nurses intelligent enough to think for themselves, nurses with moral courage. And also, nurses that are not shedding spike proteins and who knows what all else.

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