Mercy Sunday, St. Augustine, Societal Collapse!
Think of it as “prepping.” First, Augustine had to get himself squared away, and that didn’t happen overnight. Once his hard conversion took hold, he then had to deal with Pelagians, Manichaens, Donatists, and Arians. And that was nothing compared to fighting the Goths and Vandals, as society was collapsing around him! And so it would seem quite prudent to sign up for Dr. Mazza’s new mini-course:
“Mercy Sunday” is actually the Octave of Easter, and is a novelty that followed Vatican II and the canonization of Sister Faustina. I stay with the Octave.
I must agree with etunamsanctam. It’s the Octave of Easter.
Also known as Low Sunday or Dominica in Albis or Pascha Clausum, the close of the octave of Easter.
I too am not a divine mercy person. The diary of Faustina is loaded with narcissism and heresy – the worst of which is the section where the Sacred Host kept flying out of the Tabernacle and landing in Faustina’s hands – yes, her hands. The divine mercy detracts from the Sacred Heart and its chaplet is a detraction from the Rosary. Tomorrow is Low Sunday, period.
It turns out that a lot of the criticism is unfounded, though there remain problems with the diary. And yes, it never should have replaced devotion to the Sacred Heart, nor the Rosary. We should take care not to do that. But I have found this devotion to be fruitful. My two cents.