The commencement of your blessed and eternal confinement was also the day they created the wiki page for…
Remember “14 Days to Flatten the Curve?” Remember how this was how they got everyone to shut everything down, go into lockdown, and start the entire spiral? “We have to follow the science, we can’t risk overwhelming the hospitals, this is well-established epidemiology, dammit, you’re just selfish and want to kill grandma.”

Here is the blockchain history:

Happy Anniversary! 12 March 2020.
If you scroll through some more of the history, you will note the frantic editing of this page as we got into April, and they extended the lockdown. Sometimes a dozen edits in a single day. Go look for yourself.

Such a scam. Two years later, how many still don’t get it? Here is the page as it appears today; notice that Flatten the Curve is now old and rusty, not cutting edge science. Now referred to in the past tense:

That’s nothing. Guess when the entry for “MRNA vaccine” (a well-established, safe technology with decades of research behind it, as every non-tinfoil-hat-wearer knows) was created. You guessed right – the same time. And the editing is even more frantic (sometimes close to 30 edits per day):
Instead of flattening the curve, the planned-demic flattened us.