By Alex Berenson America’s Doctor (TM) has vanished! He hasn’t been seen on a magazine cover or a Sunday morning talk show in weeks! No celebrity podcasts either. Nor has he been heard promising that this time another booster will DEFINITELY work or walking through a hospital pretending to treat patients, one of his favorite hobbies. Something is very wrong. Have you seen this man? |

If you have any information on the whereabouts of Dr. Fauci, please call Senator Rand Paul’s office.
It’s so bizarre how Covid has just disappeared from the media. My local TV station’s website, which I check somewhat frequently to see the weather radar for snow and ice storms and severe thunderstorms, just dropped their prominent yellow banner that has been up about two years straight now, listing cases, deaths, whatever— I never clicked on it or paid attention to what it actually said.
However, it was there just recently ( we had a winter weather advisory last week even I think, and I think it was there even then,) but now “poof,” it’s gone without a trace. My cynical side wonders why they didn’t keep it posted because it was yellow and so could have shown solidarity with the new crisis.
Do you think they have pulled back, as some are saying, because they have the electronic vaccine passports ready to roll out universally, so it’s just more of the psychological game of putting pressure on, slight pullback, more pressure, repeat and now they are ready for the whole technological rollout? It certainly dovetails with the silver alert above and the disappearance of all things Covid. :/
Doctor Faucist is hiding in his lair until Bill Gates’ pandemic 2.0 is released for the general audience.
Fauci sightings in Ukraine at bio weapons plants, gathering smallpox samples for upcoming star-studded premier! Guest appearances by Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and Zelensky dancing in his high-heeled boots. Refreshments provided by Hunter Biden,
Last known words: y’all watch the war now.
(I’ll be baaaack) ?