Protestant deniers, listen up: The Mother of God asked for something, God said no, and she made Him do it anyway. Tell me again why we shouldn’t pray to her?

Today is the Second Sunday after Epiphany, and the Gospel is from John 2, the wedding at Cana. Jesus wasn’t ready to begin His ministry just yet, but His mother had other ideas. Was she capable of bending the will of God? Many Church Fathers have written on this passage, was it Jesus’ human will or His divine will, could they ever be in conflict, how did Mary’s know this was the right time, and was her will ever in conflict with the divine will. We don’t need to understand any of that, to understand the plain facts of what happened here: Mary asked, God said no, Mary got what she wanted. Our Lady Seat of Wisdom, pray for us.

In a certain way, this event is also the beginning of the Passion, because it would mean His persecution be hastened. Note also the stunning depth of Mary’s faith… after being rebuked by the Son of God, she immediately turns to the waiters with instructions on what’s to come next… which was the Second Person of the Triune Godhead producing 180 gallons, yes 180 gallons, of the finest wine ever made. That’s how the Founder of the Catholic Church rolls. Happy Sunday.

GOSPEL (John 2:1-11) At that time, there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee: and the mother of Jesus was there. And Jesus also was invited, and his disciples, to the marriage. And the wine failing, the mother of Jesus saith to him: “They have no wine.” And Jesus saith to her: “Woman, what is that to me and to thee? My hour is not yet come.” His mother saith to the waiters: “Whatsoever he shall say to you, do ye.” Now there were set there six waterpots of stone, according to the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three measures apiece. Jesus saith to them: “Fill the waterpots with water.” And they filled them up to the brim. And Jesus saith to them: “Draw out now and carry to the chief steward of the feast.” And they carried it. And when the chief steward had tasted the water made wine and knew not whence it was, but the waiters knew who had drawn the water: the chief steward calleth the bridegroom, And saith to him: “Every man at first setteth forth good wine, and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse. But thou hast kept the good wine until now.” This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee and manifested his glory. And his disciples believed in him.

Our Lady Refuge of Sinners

Our Lady Refuge of Sinners January 16

“The worst evil that can befall us is unquestionably SIN, which makes us an object of abhorrence in the sight of God.God’s infinite mercy has not only prepared for us a potent remedy against sin in the merits of Jesus Christ, our Savior, but it has also given us poor sinners a secure refuge in the assistance of Mary, Our Lady refuge of sinners. In the Old Law there were cities of refuge to which the guilty could flee for safety; in the New Law, Mary’s mantle is for us that citadel of refuge for sinful souls. How can the Divine Wrath strike us, if we are covered by the mantle of Mary, the chosen daughter and the honored Mother of God?Our Lady refuge of sinners is thus not merely a pledge of our safety, but by her unrivaled sanctity, she is as earnest of pardon for all sinners who have recourse to her intercession. She not only disarms the just anger of God roused by our sins, but also obtains for her true clients sincere and heartfelt conversion. All we need do is turn toward her with Faith, to obtain Divine Clemency and the means to rise from the mire of sin.”

[From]Posted by Deacon John at 12:30 AM0 commentsLabels: 2nd Sunday after EpiphanyOur Lady of RefugeSaint Marcellus

10 thoughts on “Protestant deniers, listen up: The Mother of God asked for something, God said no, and she made Him do it anyway. Tell me again why we shouldn’t pray to her?”

  1. 180 gallons of Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon has a current value of $ 5,359,235, as if you could buy that much ($5,899/750 mL). Amazing, but then again not amazing because this is the Lord Who made heaven and earth. Screaming Eagle is a pricey luxury wine; however, what Our Lord made would have been superior. Great post!

  2. To be precise, He didn’t tell her, “no.” But rather reminded her that this was ahead of schedule, and said “what is this little incident to Me and you?” In the grand scheme of things, was this worth putting an end to the life they currently have before it was time?
    But over this, Mary SACRIFICED the peaceful family life she was having. She let her Son go, aware of where it would lead.
    Christ knew that, which is why out of consideration for His mother, reminded her of the choice she was making.
    How many mothers around the world hold back their sons? When a boy gets incensed at the evil he sees happening around him and in justified anger wants to set things right, how often is it that a mother or a wife, thinking she is protecting him or being rational and moderate pull him back saying, “No! Stop! Calm down! That is not for you, but for some other woman’s son to take on the risk and address. Stay at home and don’t stand out and rock the boat”? How many mums love the fact that their son is in the military, but secretly hope they are never actually deployed?
    And we all wonder “where are the men today? Why is no one doing anything?” Meanwhile, all the worst lot have no trouble letting their activist spawn overthrow society and mutilate themselves because it is in fashion according to the teevee?

  3. I have a different take on this. It’s really beautiful, I think.
    I believe that at “The finding in the Temple”, Christ was ready to start His public ministry on earth. When He saw how upset Mary was, He put the start date on hold and He gave Mary the power to tell Him when He could start. So at the wedding, He knew she wanted Him to do a miracle, and He wanted to confirm with her that if He did so, His ministry would begin. She confirmed it and His ministry began.
    If I’m right, God put the plan of salvation in Mar’y’s hands both at the Annunciation and later to tell Him when He could start the work of His public ministry. HE TRUSTED HER!

    1. Yes, this is a gloss on Augustine’s take. Everyone focuses on the words, “My hour is not yet come.” But the key phrase is the one that comes just prior: “What is that to Me, and to thee?” There is a lot more going on here than a discussion about wine. There is an interplay, where Christ is sort of tossing it back to her. In the Greek, this phrase is only two words: “Why me?” So He is answering in a way where He is saying, “are you sure,” knowing that it meant the end of His hidden life with her, and how much they both would suffer. And I like your point about the finding in the temple; had not considered that before.

      1. well, thank you both for that…truly. That is a meditation worthy of many hours and Rosaries at both the finding in the temple and the Wedding Feast at Cana. This just has tears streaming down my cheeks….it has the ring of Truth all about it….His gentleness, His love…He would do something like this, and the way you both express it was a gift…well timed.

      1. Not at all good sir. Not taken that way. It’s just funny how things work out in life. Messages that we sometimes hear when it’s needed to be heard. Odd sometimes.

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