This is the Marxist mayor of Philadelphia, who just enacted a ban on the filthy unvaxxed from all city restaurants, virtue tweeting a quote from a local operator who is super happy to serve the common good:

Splain it to me in small words in the combox.
(and unicorn farts…..key ingredient)
Dear Mayor: I’m thirsty. May I please have more kool-aid?
Won’t they all be surprised when they get a “breakthrough case” after removing themselves from the “filthy unvaccinated” presence.
Also, they admit that the “unvaccinated” are roaming the streets. How do they accomplish that? Shouldn’t they have all died off by now?
There is nothing you can say; nothing you can do; nothing you can show them to change their minds. It is truly something to witness.
wanna know how old I am?
I’m old enough to remember when getting vaxxed for polio or MMR or whatever meant that you could STOP WORRYING. It meant you did not have to fear getting polio or MMR or whatever from the other kids.
Except the polio vaccine actually caused to worsen that epidemic as well.
Can the unvaxxinated have our own restaurants whose owners prefer us as clientelle and we can be safe from the shedding effects of the vaccined? Would that freedom be fair?
Haven’t you seen a horror movie? The demon from China only attacks those who are alone, picking them off one by one.
Actually the quote above would make more sense if you swapped the words vaccinated and unvaccinated, since a carrier who is unvaccinated will probably stay home because they know they are sick.
My only hope is that future researchers study the archives of these types of tweets to really understand how the world got to where it’s at.
“Since they are so stupid they believed our BS about the “clot shots”, we know they will believe anything!
And we hate you.”