Advent with Antipopes!
by Ed Mazza
What is an Antipope? Can you name one?
(There are at least 33!)
Were they evil?
(Hint: Not all…one is a canonized saint.)
Was there a female “pope”?
Was there a Jewish “pope”?
(Hint: Not St. Peter)
What makes you a Pope or an Antipope? Can a heretic be a Pope? Can a Pope become a Pope Emeritus?
Join us each Sunday of Advent beginning Nov 28th at 6pm PST.
Early Bird Special: Enroll by Nov 15th for just $99.
(After Nov 16th, $120)
“O renascimento será obra de um pequeno remanescente, aparentemente insignificante,
mas indomável, passado por um processo de purificação. Porque é assim que Deus trabalha. Um pequeno rebanho resiste ao mal” (J. Ratzinger)