Your Guardian Angel was assigned uniquely to you when God created the universe. Isn’t that cool? Your angel has already done more for you than you will ever know, until you are standing side by side at your Particular Judgment. The time for battle is upon us, and your angel is your fiercest ally. Happy feast!

I thought that according to St. Thomas Aquinas that our guardian angel was given to us at birth. Our guardian angel is awesome! Priests have two!
Yes! Given to us at birth, but assigned to us from the beginning.
👍🙏Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
Guardian angels are massively underappreciated. Think of how your guardian angel has been looking out for you all these years. Think of how happy your angel must be when you make a Confession or attend Mass. No one on earth should ever feel lonely because no one is ever really alone.