Dear Archbishop, you are to be commended for this. But what would be really, really helpful is a declaration that this “Bergoglian church,” as you put it, is in fact the antichurch, lead by an antipope. That would be something that cures at the root, instead of raging against the thing that shall not be named. Excellency, Pope Benedict’s resignation was invalid. Bergoglio is a criminal usurper. Step up. -DMD

Marco Tosatti
Dear friends and foes of Stilum Curiae, we receive and gladly publish this statement from Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano in defense of women’s communities of contemplative life. Good reading
Statement in Defense of Convents of Religious Sisters of Contemplative Life
With profound sorrow and strong indignation, I follow the events related to the Apostolic Visitations that the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life is carrying out in various Convents of contemplative women religious in the United States.
The manner in which these Apostolic Visitations are conducted, in violation of the canonical norms and the most elementary principles of the law; the intimidation and threats that characterize the interrogations to which the Nuns are subjected; and the psychological violence exercised over the members of these Convents, against the principles of charity and justice that ought to inspire the action of officials of a papal Dicastery – all of these reveal in all of its disturbing evidence the prejudice of the persecutory intentions of the Visitators, who are cynical executors of the orders already given by the Prefect Cardinal João Braz de Aviz and by the Secretary Archbishop José Rodriguez Carballo, following Bergoglio’s precise instructions. No matter which community is targeted, the mobbing or group bullying by the Visitators, with the purpose of dividing the sisters is always the same, as is the attempt to create strong psychological pressure, even to the point of violating their private conscience, and serious disturbance to individuals who are accustomed to living in silence, prayerful recollection, and penance.
Behind this purging operation, like everything that distinguishes the work of the Bergoglian church, there is a hatred and an iconoclastic fury towards the Communities of Contemplative Life, and in a particular way against those tied to Tradition and the Ancient Rite. This hatred has become commonplace with the infamous Instruction Cor Orans and its cruel and merciless application. What also stands out is an insane interest in the finances and donations that these communities receive, which the Vatican tries to grab for itself using any pretext it can.
This hatred has no juridical or disciplinary justification, since these Convents targeted by the Vatican limit themselves to living according to the charism of their Order, in fidelity to their Holy Founders and in a spirit of sincere communion with the Church. The number of their vocations is increasing, as is happening for all the Institutes in which the Rule of the Founders is put into practice and the Tridentine Liturgy is celebrated. The “fault” of these Religious Sisters is that they want to remain faithful to the immutable Magisterium of the Church and her two-thousand-year Tradition, to her venerable Liturgy. In the end, this is the only “fault” of all of the secular and religious communities, both of men and of women, in the face of the ruthless destructive action of Bergoglio.
I consider it my precise duty as a Pastor to denounce in no uncertain terms the systematic work of demolition being carried out by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life, whose leaders make no secret of their aversion to any form of consecrated life, in perfect harmony with the one who has given them their mandate, and accompanied by the most disconcerting, inert silence of the Ordinaries, who are incapable of defending and protecting the most precious and vulnerable part of the Mystical Body.
We cannot forget that the merciless persecution of the Vatican has already struck other flourishing communities of religious women, which are now totally destroyed: I am thinking of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate (Italy), the Little Sisters of Mary of Saint-Aignan-sur-Roe (France), the Sisters of Auerbach (Germany), and the Dominican Sisters of the Holy Spirit (France) – to name only a few.
I also mention that the ones responsible for this action are the first ones against whom a disciplinary action should have been undertaken, following the very serious financial scandals that involved Carballo when he was Minister-General of the Franciscan Friars Minor. His position is so compromised that he had to reside inside the Vatican, even though the Secretaries of the Congregation usually reside outside the Leonine Walls. Cardinal Braz de Aviz, a notorious follower of liberation theology, was appointed by Bergoglio as head of the Congregation for Religious precisely in order to “re-educate” the members of institutes of consecrated life, following the Stalinist methods that distinguish the government of the Bergoglian deep church. It is a purge worthy of the worst dictatorial regimes, in line with the climate of terror that has reigned in the Vatican since 2013.
I urge my brother Bishops, priests, and above all the faithful laity to raise their voices against the destruction of Convents of contemplative life and traditional religious Communities. It is necessary to give not only spiritual and moral support, but also material and media support to the victims of an attack that has been getting worse in recent weeks after the promulgation of the Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes, so that the persecuted religious sisters may be defended and those who are responsible for this persecution that is hateful in the eyes of God and the entire ecclesial community may be exposed.
I understand well how difficult it is, in the face of the perversion of ecclesiastical authority, to combine one’s solemn Vow of Obedience to one’s Superiors with the evidence of the evil purposes they pursue, and how painful it is to have to resist those who should be exercising authority in the name of Our Lord. Nonetheless, any collaboration with them would constitute a form of complicity and culpable connivance. Obedience to God and fidelity to the Church cannot be linked to blind servility towards those who show themselves to be enemies of both: “We must obey God rather than men,” according to the words of Saint Peter (Acts 5:29). And this applies to Religious as well as to secular clergy, whose silence in the face of the dissolution of the ecclesial body cannot last any longer.
In consideration of this grave dilemma of conscience that troubles the Religious Sisters, I address a particular appeal to the faithful laity and to the benefactors of Convents, so that they actively work, also through adequate legal means, to assure and protect the independence of these Convents and their property.
I assure the persecuted Religious Sisters of my constant prayer, inviting them to resist firmly and to offer their suffering for the conversion of their persecutors. May these silent Brides of Christ unite themselves spiritually to the painful Calvary of the Carmelite martyrs of Compiègne, the sixteen nuns who were guillotined during the Terror because they did not want to abandon their Carmel or renounce their religious vows. May the heroic resistance of these consecrated women, persecuted in odium fidei by bloodthirsty revolutionaries, be an example to them in these times of apostasy, in which anti-Catholic persecution and ideological fury are put in motion by those who ought to be protecting the communities of Contemplative Life as the most precious treasure of the Church and the most effective barrier against the assaults of the enemy. If the constant prayer of these blessed souls fails, the ecclesial body will be even more disarmed at the very moment in which this epochal battle rages most fiercely.
Like the prudent virgins of the Gospel parable (Mt 25:1-13), may Religious Women remain faithful to their Divine Spouse and await Him with lighted lamps. These dark times will pass, and along with them the renegades who rage against them.
The highest levels of the Vatican, and in particular Jorge Mario Bergoglio, will have to answer to God for these very grave sins of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, which are not devoid of disturbing ideological connotations, as well as for the abuse of their authority against the good of the Church and the salvation of souls. May the Lord open the eyes of many who still do not want to recognize the apostasy that afflicts the Catholic Hierarchy.
+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States
October 1st, 2021
After watching the documentary on Abp. Lefebvre, praying for his intercession for someone in the hierarchy to do something. Cardinal Burke? Archbishop Vigano? Anyone?
Interesting commentary by Brother Alexis Bugnolo at “FromRome”…reminds me of the title of a book written by Mary Martinez back in the late 1970’s “From Rome Urgently.” You can get a copy of her book on Amazon for only $90.00.
“From Rome Urgently Mary Martinez Catholic Church Modernist Errors, Rare Book PBListed for charity
“see below”
US $90.00”
I have an original that I obtained from Mary when I met her in New York back in 1979 and I’m happy to lend it to anyone who is interested; no charge…just shipping.
Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
The masonic agenda of Viganò is now confirmed without a doubt, as he launches his call for Catholics to separate from the Catholic Hierarchy and form an underground Church: announcing as he does that the entire hierarchy are in league with Globalism.
This promotion of dualism is NOT Catholic. The Catholic solution, that an Archbishop incardinated in the Diocese of Rome should be promoting, is the same as the Synod of Sutri: the call for a canonical Provincial Synod of the Roman Ecclesiastical Province (the Diocese of Rome and the Suburbican Dioceses which surround it: all of which are partakers in the Apostolic Right bestowed by St. Peter upon the Roman Church) to settle the controversy by a solemn canonical investigation and solemn judgement.
The masonic solution is the keep the opposition to the Globalist attempted takeover and silencing of the Church in a weak and ineffective position, so that the Masonic project of the Great Reset can go forward. And like they have ever done, the Lodges disable and incapacity opposition to their projects by forming controlled or false oppositions, which inherently accept the legitimacy of Masonic rule, but loudly declare themselves the exact opposite. They do this to vacuum up all opposition forces and direct them to useless goals.
Trump is a perfect example of this: he insisted you vote for him, and when he won, he failed to fight for the office and surrendered without a whimper. But he wants to run again for President so he can waste your vote a second time! No surprise then, that Viganò is an ally of Donald Trump.
The SSPX insisting on promoting the DeathVaxx and communion with Bergoglio is another perfect example of a false Hegelian dualism.
I’m not sure about all this.. How many cloistered contemplative nuns actually feel oppressed and bullied by Pope Francis’s demandss? These nuns sound pretty happy about him and Cor orans, and they certainly look traditional. and The only thing that I see that is different is that they speak English and not Latin..
Ah yes, the Flemington sisters from the federation who “visited” the Philly Carmel and attempted to shut it down?
Ama, thank you for this link to the Flemington Carmel. Wow, it was very eye-opening.
First of all, Flemington is part of the St. Joseph Federation which is the Federation that wouldn’t let go of the Philadelphia Carmel as agreed upon when Archbishop Chaput invited in the traditional Carmelites in 2017. They were pressuring the traditional Carmelites to change their monastic lives and it got so bad, they drove them away from Philadelphia to Nebraska. If you’ve been following this website, you will recall that the Fairfield Carmelite Monastery issued a letter that explained the truth about the departure of those young traditional sisters. That letter cleared up a lot of questions and man, the combox here and on other sites really went on fire because that letter torpedoed the lies that the St. Joseph Federation and their combox trolls were saying about how the traditional sisters “abandoned” the original sister in Philly who chose to stay behind and how the traditional sisters “didn’t like the neighborhood” in Philly. Like we’re supposed to believe that cloistered traditional Carmelites are walking around the neighborhood, watching TV and spending time on the internet.
I see on this website that there are no Mass times published at Flemington. “Due to COVID-19, the Monastery is closed to the public until further notice.” All hail the god of covidism and our lord and savior, Anthony Fauci! Melinda Gates, pray for us.
We see photos of the nuns – their faces included – on their website. That’s not very Carmelite. We also see their chapel which has a box for the altar, cement block walls, and no communion rail. How reverent! Another photo shows part of the monastery with that early 1980s Resurrection Jesus found in NuChurches all over the U.S. Heaven forbid we show Our Lord suffering on the Cross!
And yes, I did see the statement of support for Antipope Bergoglio and a three-part post about the joy of Cor Orans. I’ll look forward to their next post about meditating upon the divinity of pachamama… Not!
James Andrew Dunn, the Flemington Carmel has published their next Post, and I hope that you will be glad to know that it is NOT about pachamama:
Wow, she tried to spin the words of St. Theresa of Avila to justify her desperate attempt to discredit Archbishop Vigano. It didn’t work. The destruction of orders that have had visitations from antipope Bergoglio’s thugs speaks for itself (i.e. Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate).
hear, hear!
Obviously when you cannot say anything charitable, it seems easy, my dear fellows, for you to attack nuns whom you have never met and thereby shut down frank discussion. Or are you only worthy to be prayed for by a certain type of nuns? Are not nuns the spouses of Christ? So who do you think you are to attack His brides if you do not happen to agree with them? Likewise, who made you the arbiter of what is “very Carmelite” and what is not? How much time have you spent inside a cloister doing some penance for the likes of us whose frequent lack of charity would get us into pretty hot fires if it weren’t for them, for whom we rarely show sufficient gratitude?
This blog is not a democracy. If you don’t like it, don’t come here. I wrote a post featuring the statement from the archbishop. I was attacked with subtle innuendo in the combox, and I responded with factual information.
You say that you responded with factual information. Then why wasn’t my post of Sr. Gabriela’s letter to Mother Stella Marie posted? That called for facts to be established. I love facts, as long as they really exist.
Because I already allowed that to be posted before, back when all this started. I wonder, why do you have such interest in interfering with these nuns and their way of life?
Mark, You ask why I am “so interested in interfering with these nuns and their way of life.” The answer is Because I believe that facts matter, and the Faifield letter, which you published, made serious accusations without giving the facts. I want to know who is telling the truth.
By the way, can you please post the link to Sr. Gabriela’s letter? I saw it on your Facebook page, but not on your website.
The “serious accusations” in the Fairfield letter are indeed the facts. Personally verified by me, through first party sources. In turn, you are calling me a liar, and you are done on this website. Blessings and peace.
I see the two Churches clearly here today. I hope the good sisters threw around some holy water when the inquisitors departed. St. Therese pray for us.
Hey, in a synodal “church” that doesn’t even know whether it needs priests, why does it need nuns?
Why stop there? Pretty soon they will need a synod to question whether they really need Christ either…