“It’s not safe. It isn’t safe, it isn’t intended for this use. It has the potential to cause multiple organ failure and could land you in the hospital. And, hopefully not, it could also land you dead,” Sherman said.
Remember, Ivermectin is not just an anti-parasitic, but a KNOWN anti-viral drug. Anyone claiming otherwise is either ignorant or malicious.

AWKWARD! Where Ivermectin is liberally dispensed as an antiparasitic, the CoronaScam never happened, despite enormous population density and the fact that people go potty in their drinking water.

And let’s not forget this lying liar and his Okie media toadies:

Few reactions could do more to convince an impartial observer of the truth than the hair-on-fire, screaming farce of the Left’s representations.Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
Don’t trust doctors! You must be your own medical consumer advocate. I’ve done med mal cases on both sides. I could tell you stories that would make the hair on the back of your neck stand up.
There’s an odd horse connection here…I became obsessed with horses during the lockdown in 2020, started watching races, Mr. Ed, reading about horses, thinking of horses day after day because it was a positive distraction from the doom and gloom. Then after I had the wuhan flu and was recovering, I turned to pony paste (though it was not my first equine crossover product, oddly enough). I still take it when I feel a cold coming on, and boy does it help. Listen to the NEIGH sayers, not the naysayers. The good Lord has helped me through one of his kindest and most magnificent creatures. I will always love horses.
This is how you know this whole thing is a DELIBERATE CONSPIRACY.
Anyone who still thinks government and media is just misled or innocently incompetent at this point is an extremely gulible idiot stuck in denial.
Wake up you idiots, they are all actively trying to kill you.
Yes! YOU! Personally!
Mark, you are grossly understating ivermectin’s safety record!
4.6 billion treatments of ivermectin under Merck’s brand Mectazin alone have been donated worldwide for human use to treat and prevent river blindness and elephantiasis.
Pages 1 and 5. As of end 2020, 4.4 billion treatments have been approved since 1987, 417 million in 2020 alone, consisting of 10.8 billion 3mg tablets since 1987.
As we are over half way through 2021, I added 200 million to 4.4 billion to get 4.6 billion treatments.
These are ONLY the donated treatments.