Confirmed: “Booster shots” next month, plus federal mandate for all nursing home workers to be vaxxed or facilities lose funding

This will quickly be applied to all healthcare workers in every hospital, probably followed by a requirement for all patients as a stipulation of admission. Get your game on. Also, will anyone resist this?

(CNN) President Joe Biden announced on Wednesday that he is directing all nursing homes to require their staff be vaccinated against Covid-19 in order to continue receiving Medicare and Medicaid funding. Biden said he is directing the Department of Health and Human Services to draw up new regulations making employee vaccination a condition for nursing homes to participate in Medicare and Medicaid. The decision on nursing home staff represents a significant escalation in Biden’s campaign to get Americans vaccinated and the tools he is willing to use, marking the first time he has threatened to withhold federal funds in order to get people vaccinated.

by Ben Guarino, Laurie McGinley

Three studies published Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that protection against the coronavirus given by vaccines declined in the midsummer months when the more contagious delta variant rose to dominance in the United States.

Data from these studies persuaded the Biden administration to develop a plan for additional doses to bolster the immune systems of people vaccinated months earlier. The Biden administration will begin offering coronavirus booster shots to fully vaccinated adults who received the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna shots the week of Sept. 20, top health officials announced Wednesday, after concluding that a third shot is needed to fight off waning immunity.

4 thoughts on “Confirmed: “Booster shots” next month, plus federal mandate for all nursing home workers to be vaxxed or facilities lose funding”

  1. I wonder if senile Joe and the Commies have thought about how difficult it might be for nursing homes to replace workers. The nursing home where my wife works will be desperate and basically up the creek.

  2. ALL hospital personnel in Wisconsin WILL be vaxxed by 11/1 or will be terminated. That’s a decision of the Big Four hospital chains up here, announced about 2 weeks ago. TWO of the big Michigan chains announced the same about 4 weeks ago.

    So far, religious and health exemptions will be allowed.

  3. Everyone is getting a lesson in socialized medicine.

    This is why your best policy moving forward is –

    Never take government money. Once you’re reliant on it, you’re screwed.

    The Catholic Bishops no doubt know that very well.

    Ironic, considering, the unvaxxed will be excommunicated from almost all Catholic institutions, while all the heretics continue to do as they please.

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