TOLDYA: Deathvaxx “booster shots” required every eight months forever and ever… which is why the vaxx passports were printed that way from the very beginning

By ZEKE MILLER Tuesday, August 17, 2021 6:15AM

WASHINGTON — U.S. experts are expected to recommend COVID-19 vaccine boosters for all Americans, regardless of age, eight months after they received their second dose of the shot, to ensure lasting protection against the coronavirus as the delta variant spreads across the country.

Federal health officials have been actively looking at whether extra shots for the vaccinated would be needed as early as this fall, reviewing case numbers in the U.S. as well as the situation in other countries such as Israel, where preliminary studies suggest the vaccine’s protection against serious illness dropped among those vaccinated in January.

An announcement on the U.S. booster recommendation was expected as soon as this week, according to two people familiar with the matter who spoke to The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations.

2 thoughts on “TOLDYA: Deathvaxx “booster shots” required every eight months forever and ever… which is why the vaxx passports were printed that way from the very beginning”

  1. This is probably a dream come true for the mRNA pharmaceutical companies. Instead of having to develop actual vaccines with an actual virus, they can just tailor a relatively short nucleotide sequence to the new variant they are targeting, which I assume is a lot easier and cheaper than the old methods. Repeat every 8 months…

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