USA Today: “Enough analysis of these human petri dishes. Everyone who wants a vaccine will soon have one, and proof should be required to work, play and travel.”

It’s time to start shunning the ‘vaccine hesitant.’ They’re blocking COVID herd immunity.

Michael J. Stern May 2, 2021

Has-been rock star Ted Nugent told the world last week that he has COVID-19.  Nugent’s announcement was an oddity because he previously called the viral pandemic a “leftist scam to destroy” Donald Trump. As I watched Nugent’s Facebook Live post, in which he repeatedly hocked up wads of phlegm and spit them to the ground, I got emotional when he described being so sick he thought he “was dying.” But when he trashed the COVID-19 vaccine and warned people against taking it, I realized that the emotion I was feeling was not empathy, it was anger.

For the better part of a year, as the coronavirus racked up hundreds of thousands of American deaths, the flickering light at the end of the tunnel was herd immunity — the antibody force shield that comes when enough people have survived the illness or have been vaccinated against it. “Go get vaccinated, America,” President Joe Biden said in his speech to a joint session of Congress, referring to the shot as “a dose of hope.” 

…Herd immunity is slipping away because a quarter of Americans are refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine. “There is no eradication at this point, it’s off the table,” Dr. Gregory Poland, director of the Mayo Clinic’s Vaccine Research Group, recently said. “We as a society have rejected” herd immunity. 

Hmm, no! “We” have not rejected anything. A quarter of the country is ruining it for all of us.

It’s not just wacky former rockers who have put herd immunity out of reach. It is white evangelicals (45% say they won’t get vaccinated). And it is Republicans (almost 50% are refusing the vaccine). In Texas, 61% of white Republicans say they are reluctant to get the vaccine or would refuse it. You can slap the euphemism “vaccine hesitancy” on the problem, but in the end the G.O.P., and the children of G.O.D., are perpetuating a virus that is sickening and killing people in droves.

A big part of the problem stems from the cultish relationship many evangelicals and Republicans have with the former president. They absorbed his endless efforts to downplay the danger of the virus and turn public health precautions into a political freedom movement. But the time for analyzing why these human petri dishes have chosen to ignore the medical science that could save them, and us, is over. We need a different strategy. I propose shunning. 

Biden’s wildly successful vaccine rollout means that soon everyone who wants a vaccine will have one. When that happens, restaurants, movie theaters, gyms, barbers, airlines and Ubers should require proof of vaccination before providing their services.

And it shouldn’t stop there. Businesses should make vaccination a requirement for employment…Things should get personal, too: People should require friends to be vaccinated to attend the barbecues and birthday parties they host. Friends don’t let friends spread the coronavirus...

As a country, America has become too tolerant of half-witted individual autonomy that ignores the existential needs of the vast majority of its citizens. 

Michael J. Stern, a member of USA TODAY’s Board of Contributors, was a federal prosecutor for 25 years in Detroit and Los Angeles. Follow him on Twitter:  @MichaelJStern1

12 thoughts on “USA Today: “Enough analysis of these human petri dishes. Everyone who wants a vaccine will soon have one, and proof should be required to work, play and travel.””

  1. A so called lawyer who took an oath to defend and uphold the Constitution and the rule of law including the Bill of Rights. It’s time to shun this ilk. Let them ghettoize themselves and stay far away from real Americans

  2. This is the kind of thinking you get when you live in a dictatorship. The dictator wakes up, has a thought, imposes his thought on the Peoples.

    In a Constitutional Republic, like America was once, representatives come from the public, propose policy to the public, get elected to enact their proposals, debate, compromise, run it all through divided government, get it checked by impartial judges – the resulting law represents our collective will.

    This – this evil thought stream from Michael Stern, written down so we can all marvel at how ugly his mind is, is not that. What Michael Stern wants requires force and lots of it – black shirted thugs and guns turned inward against the unwilling populations to compel them to comply with the will of the Dictator.

    This is not America. It is something else. America must be reclaimed, because communists never stop until forced to stop.

  3. The likelihood of ‘passports’ will drop to zero when The Enlightened Ones realize that MORE than 75% of blacks WILL NOT take the vax. Right now in Milwaukee it’s around 80%….

    1. Bingo.

      God’s systems lead to “herd” (I hate that word – humans are not animals) immunity.

      Bill Gates, Big Pharma systems lead to turbocharged herd infection.

      We had “herd” immunity already. We always do as nature takes its God-given course.

      Perhaps they fear a legitimate nationwide trial in which half the nation received a placebo (no vax), and half received a double dose vaccine. And at the end of the 330,000,000 person one year trial in which we all participated in our own way … we can compare notes and analyze the data on how it all turned out. You know … for science!

      Happy to volunteer as an anonymous placebo participant who has not been sick now for at least the last two years (can’t remember when).

  4. 26 years ago, Dr. Robert E. Willner M.D., Ph.D. accused Fauci of Genocide (regarding AZT treatment for AIDS) at 7:24 and following of the video.

    Dr. Robert E. Willner M.D., Ph.D., author of “Deadly Deception: The Proof That Sex And HIV Absolutely Do Not Cause AIDS”, published on September 1, 1994 (Willner was dead 7 months later on the April 15, 1995)

  5. I believe we can all agree that here’s one that will have a lovely time being kept safe in a nice little insane asylum somewhere with a nice white mask to go with his white straitjacket in a white room monitored by qualified scientists.

  6. Viz our hopeful Obergruppenführer Michael Stern

    The Nuremberg Code
    1.The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.

    This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; ~ NEJOM

    Sieg heil Bidenreich!

  7. Viz our hopeful Obergruppenführer Michael Stern

    The Nuremberg Code
    1.The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.

    This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; ~ NEJOM

    Sieg heil Bidenreich!

  8. The reason the communist democrats always win is that they know how to (a) control our language and (b) through language what we think and from what we think to (c) how we act,

    Example: (a) They (Michael Stern and all other little totalitarians line him) call this a “vaccine”. (b) A vaccine cures disease. All should want a cure for deadly disease. Any who don’t are murderers. (c) All murderers should be locked up forever. All washouts be compelled to take the vaccine under penalty of incarceration.

    This is no vaccine. This is a software injection into the inner core (the deepest most intimate core) of who we are as unique human beings – our DNA. They are inserting programming language into our DNA. They can update the program with additional injections. The mind of these scientists is gaining access to our unique God-given Operating System and replacing it with a Big Pharma OS.

    This is a taste of how it works. This is a dreadful, grave evil. The inhuman and strangely deadly and disabling side effects are the most obvious indicators of what is happening to us, but make no mistake – even if this tech worked perfectly with no system crashes we would still be faced with this: We gave Bill Gates our body to do with as he will.

    If you still want to do this, at least know what you are getting yourself into. This is entry level transhumanism, not a vaccine, and it’s buggy, subject to crashes. Your programmer is Big Tech, not Almighty God and they have lots of ideas fir you going forward. They won’t say this out loud because most normal people would not participate in such a thing as it actually is.

    1. It’s not even a close call: these vaccines are an existential threat. We’ve never seen anything like it, the danger and death that comes with them. But, because we are living in a Mass Media PsyOp, and we don’t even know it, we are completely unaware (generally speaking) that the drugs they are pushing on us so aggressively are deadly beyond anything we’ve ever seen.

      These numbers, remember, are skewed way low and slow because they are reported into and by CDC.

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