Does anyone else find it curious that we somehow have vaxxes for a disease that we still can’t even test for?

17 months later, there are zero approved tests for the Corona. Oh yes, there are unapproved, experimental tests that received Emergency Use Authorization. But in 17 months, none of them have received FDA approval. Isn’t that fascinating? How did we come up with “vaccines” so quickly and enter them into human trials on March 16, 2020 (Moderna) and April 29, 2020 (Pfizer), yet as of May 11, 2021 there are no approved tests to detect this disease? How could that be?

I got tested yesterday. Here is the fact sheet I received:

8 thoughts on “Does anyone else find it curious that we somehow have vaxxes for a disease that we still can’t even test for?”

  1. Someone from my parish sent me this link. The John Paul II Medical Research Institute is developing a Covid vaccine. Yes, it will not use aborted fetal cells, but it is still a vaccine. Is this an attempt to persuade traditional Catholics to submit to the death-vaxx? Do you know anything about the JPII Medical Research Institute? I had not heard of it until I received this link.

    1. I’ve been tested dozens of times, and for various reasons. Mostly to avoid travel quarantine last year, and now so that if someone who I’ve been around gets sick, I can prove it wasn’t me.

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