Action Alert: Top three questions to ask anyone who refuses to examine the nullity of Benedict’s resignation
Be they cardinals, bishops, priests, laity, friends, family, bloggers, Trad Inc., or whomever, I think now is the appropriate time to cut to the chase. Contained herein are three questions to be asked, privately or publicly as the case may warrant, of every single Catholic, no matter their rank, who professes Jorge Bergoglio to be the one true living pope. The timing seems right, because all the bad things hatching out of the Roman sewers are redpilling a lot more people these days. Something isn’t right, and the open worship of demons inside the Vatican has shifted the Overton Window in a way few other things could have done.
It is of crucial importance to state at the outset that this has nothing to do with Bergoglio “losing his office” or trying to craft some mechanism in which to “depose” him. Folks, Bergoglio is a criminal usurper, which means he needs to be removed, not deposed. We have to get past the false base premise that Bergoglio is now, or ever was, a true pope. All of this heresy/apostasy has no effect on who holds the office of the papacy, because the office of the papacy has been held continuously by Pope Benedict since April 2005. Note well: It would have made no difference – at all – who was “elected” at the faux conclave of 2013, no matter if it had turned out to be someone totally orthodox, that person would still have been an antipope. There was no election, because there was no conclave, because there was no resignation. The personal apostasy and orchestrated demon worship of Jorge Bergoglio upon the high altar of St. Peter’s is not a causal factor as to why he is not pope.
However, the heresy/apostasy of Antipope Bergoglio does serve as a helpful proofset of the fact that he has never held the office, and so does not enjoy any of the supernatural protections of the papacy promised directly from our Lord Himself. If you think about it, this is actually a tremendous grace, because it would have been much harder to find the truth if everything appeared to be “normal.” It’s really not that confusing if you get your base premise correct.
“Now the Spirit manifestly saith, that in the last times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to spirits of error, and doctrines of devils, Speaking lies in hypocrisy, and having their conscience seared….” 1 Tim 4:1-2
The questions which follow are of solid linear reasoning, which drill immediately to the core base premise. But they are also questions of grave matter to those professing submission to, and union with, an apostate heretic. It is out of fraternal charity that these questions must be asked, and answered.
Ready? Let’s get started!
Question One: How is it possible that Our Lord Jesus Christ, being perfect, infinite good, would permit the Church Militant to be put into a Catch-22 position of having to be in union with, and in submission to, a Pope who demands apostasy from the One True Faith in order to be in union with him, wherein we are literally damned if we do, and damned if we don’t? How is this not a clear violation of the Law of Non-contradiction, wherein the Standard of Unity is also the Vector of Schism?
If acceptance of heresy/apostasy/demon worship is the requirement in order to be in union with Bergoglio, which it clearly is, then how is that to be squared with the moral obligation of submission to, and union with, the Roman Pontiff under pain of mortal sin? Both things can’t be true.
“Look to yourselves, that you lose not the things which you have wrought: but that you may receive a full reward. Whosoever revolteth and continueth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God. He that continueth in the doctrine, the same hath both the Father and the Son. If any man come to you and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into the house nor say to him: God speed you. For he that saith unto him: God speed you, communicateth with his wicked works.” 2 John 1:8-11
Yes, we’ve had bad popes in the past. We have had dozens of men hold the papacy who were less than stellar when it came to personal morality, to put it mildly. But we have never had a pope personally conducting himself as an apostate heretic, with the dethronement of God and the deification of Man as his central Freemasonic theme (and now an open worshiper of demons, because that’s where Freemasonry leads), who is also intent on forcing heresy on the faithful by preaching objective mortal sin as a moral good, willed by God (AL#298, 300, 303 HERE; AL footnote 351 HERE; inter alia). That’s supposed to be not possible, and we don’t need some future council to explain this to us. God gave you a rational intellect and sensory perception, and He taught us to use these things together to discern reality (Matthew 16:13-20; Mark 8:27-30; Luke 9:18-20; John 6:66-71).
“For there shall be a time, when they will not endure sound doctrine; but, according to their own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears: And will indeed turn away their hearing from the truth, but will be turned unto fables.” 2 Tim 4:3-4
Let’s take it one step further. When a true pope is elected, it is dogmatically certain that the transfer of the keys is conferred directly from Christ to Peter and to his successors, (Pius IX, Pastor Aeternus, 1870, HERE) not through the cardinals, not upon the Church, nor through the Church, but rather directly from Christ, immediately upon a validly elected successor’s acceptance of the office… (if at one time this seemed like a distinction without consequence, recent events have borne out its extreme importance)… which leads us to Question #2:
Question Two: How is it possible that Our Lord Jesus Christ, being perfect, infinite good, would force the Church Militant into a Catch-22 position by His own divine will, by conferring the office of the papacy upon a man known to Him to be a wretched apostate heretic, and then WITHHOLDING the negative supernatural protection of the Petrine Promises (Matt 16:19, Matt 18:18-19, and Luke 22:32), so that the wretched apostate heretic could openly approve fornication (cohabitation), adultery, sacrilegious Communion, and even perform idolatrous demon worship upon the high altar at St. Peter’s? HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.
Said another way: If you are a person who believes Bergogio is a true pope, validly elected at a valid conclave after a valid resignation, then it is an article of faith for you to also believe that the papal office was bestowed BY CHRIST HIMSELF on Bergoglio at the moment of his acceptance of the papacy. If that’s true, then how is it possible that “Francis” could be permitted BY CHRIST HIMSELF to wage war on the Catholic Church, raping His bride, yet somehow the Petrine Promises have not been broken? Both things can’t be true.
“But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there shall be among you lying teachers, who shall bring in sects of perdition, and deny the Lord who bought them: bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their riotousnesses, through whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you. Whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their perdition slumbereth not.” 2 Peter 2:1-3
Souls are at stake, so I highly recommend everyone engages with those closest to them, pose these first two questions, demand that people actually think, and get them to answer. Put it on facebook and twitter. Permission to cut and paste from here with no attribution. Imagine if just a hundred people started doing this; it would exponentiate in mere days.
The answer to these first two questions, with a high degree of moral certainty, is that it is impossible for Jorge Bergoglio to be pope. Once the false base premise is out of the way, the next logical question to be asked is… what could have caused this? Which leads us directly to Question Three…
Question Three: Will you now, honestly and thoroughly, engage the publicly available data and argumentation that demonstrates that Jorge Bergoglio is an antipope, and has been since 13 March 2013, not by reason of heresy/apostasy, but as the result of an invalid conclave due to the invalid resignation of Pope Benedict? If you will not, why not?
Yes, the heresy/apostasy/demon worship is awful, but these things are clues, not causes. Bergoglio did not cease being pope because he worships demons. Bergoglio is not pope because the conclave was invalid because Benedict’s resignation was invalid. This is the root, nothing else.
Summary of events surrounding the invalid resignation:
Canon Law forcefully shows that Pope Benedict’s purported resignation in February of 2013 was invalid and that he remains the one and only living Pope. There are a multiplicity of violations which nullify the abdication, rendering also null the subsequent conclave and its result. Violations of Canons 17, 36, 38, 332.2, 188, 359 have been demonstrated, and Canon 131.1 is also in play HERE. For example, he used the term “ministerio” (ministry, lower case) in the essential clause of the renunciation, instead of Munus (Office). The Office and the ministry are not the same thing, and although he could have properly manifested his resignation in accord with Can. 332.2 without using the word Munus, that’s not what he did, explained HERE. Prominent Canonists and Theologians were already crowing about the faulty Latin and nullity of the act within hours of it taking place HERE.
Another subset of evidence includes Benedict’s “always and forever” discourse during his last General Audience 27 February 2013 HERE. This is where he revealed his belief that the papacy imparts an indelible character upon acceptance of the office.
Here, allow me to go back once again to 19 April 2005 (the day Ratzinger accepted the papacy). The real gravity of the decision was also due to the fact that from that moment on I was engaged always and forever by the Lord…
The “always” is also a “forever” – there can no longer be a return to the private sphere. My decision to resign the active exercise of the ministry does not revoke this... I am not abandoning the cross, but remaining in a new way at the side of the crucified Lord. I no longer bear the power of office for the governance of the Church, but in the service of prayer I remain, so to speak, in the enclosure of Saint Peter.
Benedict admitted in that same speech that by instituting the role of “Pope Emeritus” he was creating a “novelty,” which means that he intended his “resignation” to be different tfrom any before, thus “remaining in a new way.” This concept was explained in great detail during Archbishop Ganswein’s epic “Expanded Petrine Ministry” discourse of 20 May 2016 HERE, wherein he explained how the papacy now consists of one “active member” and one “contemplative member,” and then (I’m not making this up) equated Benedict’s decision to bifurcate the papacy to God’s decision to spare His Blessed Mother from Original Sin via the Immaculate Conception HERE. The plain words of Benedict and Ganswein in these two speeches, if they were sincere and not subterfuge, demonstrate “Substantial Error” as a nullifying factor, as anticipated in Canon 188, since a bifurcated papacy is an ontological impossibility.
Speaking of subterfuge, there is also the possibility that the nullity of the resignation was intentional; four dimensional chess executed by Benedict in order to protect the papacy and keep it out of the hands of the heretics. There is no direct evidence which supports this angle, but it also cannot be disproven at this time. I mention it because it has a certain appeal, and although I think this scenario far less likely, it is possible.
Finally, there is furthering evidence visible to this day, which to the naked eye would appear we have “two popes.” This includes Benedict’s retention of title, form of address as “His Holiness,” his continual presence inside the Vatican, wearing white, wearing his not-destroyed Fisherman’s Ring, writing books and papers, blessing new cardinals, imparting “My Apostolic Blessing,” etc.
The notion that Benedict really, truly, completely retired, retaining not a shred of the papacy, is absurd. And since a partial abdication is not possible, his Declaratio is therefore juridically null, reverting the situation to the status quo. This is true even if he has seemingly delegated the power of governance, as stated in Canon 131.1: “The ordinary power of governance is that which is joined to a certain office by the law itself; delegated, that which is granted to a person but not by means of an office.”
Benedict XVI is the one and only living pope, and has been since April 2005.
Battlespace awareness is critical to truly grasping what is happening here. Understanding the bigger picture of interconnected forces means going far beyond the tactical elements and individual breadcrumbs which have been provided for us.
Thank you to Ann Barnhardt for her contributions to this piece. The bigger picture is explained in great detail in Part Two of her Bergoglian Antipapacy video below. You don’t need to watch Part One first, as everything you need is contained in Part Two. For people risking their souls by being scandalized out of the Church because of the actions of a man who isn’t the pope… two hours of video is well worth your time.
Our Lady undoer of knots, pray for us.
The Bergoglian Antipapcy
PART 2 VIDEO: The Bergoglian Antipapacy: The Freemasonic/Teutonic Final Attack on the Petrine See
Recorded 16 June, ARSH 2019
00:00 Introduction and Acknowledgments
03:13 The answer to this controversy lies in CANON LAW because it revolves around a JURIDICAL OFFICE and a JURIDICAL ACT, specifically the 1983 Code
05:46 Canon 188 Review
06:45 What exactly is the definition of SUBSTANTIAL ERROR?
09:26 The massive difference and distinction between OFFICE (an ontological state of being) and a MINISTRY (an optional activity derivative of holding an Office)
14:12 Canon 131.1 – Delegating ministries of an Office does not CONFER the Office. Only one who holds and retains an Office can delegate ministries of said Office.
19:29 This impossible maneuver of attempting to essentially dissolve the Petrine Office by delegating aspects of the Petrine Ministry to multiple men simultaneously has been openly desired and discussed by German theologians under the influence of Freemasonry for over 50 years.
22:30 The principal motive of the object the act was DEFECTIVE
23:02 The project of the Freemasons through the Teutonic theological school of the 20th century has been the dissolution of the Papacy along the MUNUS-MINISTERIUM distinction.
23:46 The Latin of Pope Benedict’s attempted resignation of only the “MINISTERIUM”.
24:39 Canon 332.2 – The Pope must resign the OFFICE, and it need not be accepted by ANYONE (including the College of Cardinals). The only arbiter and judge of a Papal resignation is Christ THROUGH CANON LAW.
28:22 The mistranslation of Pope Benedict’s attempted statement of resignation, “Non solum propter” was MIS-TRANSLATED from Latin into Italian, and then from the erroneous Italian into English, Spanish, French, etc.
30:29 Christ bound and binds Himself to Canon Law in Matthew 16:19 (The Keys and the binding and loosing) in order to prevent CHAOS.
31:17 Look to the Fifth Joyful Mystery of the Rosary: Finding Jesus In the Temple. Where did you think I would be? In this context, a JURIDICAL issue, look for and find Our Lord in THE LAW.
32:22 Canon 332.2 “…but not that it is accepted by anyone.” This clause completely protects the Papacy from the MOB, and especially from THE COLLEGE OF CARDINALS.
33:11 Does it make any sense to you that the law (Canon, Divine, Natural) can be broken, but as long as the College of Cardinals, or even “almost everyone” goes along with it, then it is not just “okay”, but positively sanated and ratified by Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself? The new heresy of “Cardinalatry”, putting the College of Cardinals over and above the Pope and God Himself.
38:29. Pope Pius IX shooting down the notion that the Papacy is bestowed by the College of Cardinals, or even the Church. The Papacy is bestowed directly by Christ.
39:47 Can the Pope break the Natural Law? Can the Pope break the Laws of Arithmetic? Can the Pope break the Divine Law? DOES ERROR HAVE RIGHTS? Is God now giving clay to falsity? The Pope does now serve at the leisure of the College of Cardinals. NO!!
41:52 The “Universal Peaceful Acceptance” argument leads to an ISLAMIC chaos. It is an attack on REALITY ITSELF, and violates the Law of Non-contradiction. Ontological realities cannot be CHANGED in retrospect.
45:18 The Gloria Patri is a testament to the stability of REALITY in the timeline.
46:17 CANON 359 – The College of Cardinals has ZERO authority or capability to call a conclave is the See is not vacant, NO MATTER WHAT. No vacant See, no valid conclave. Period.
47:20 Reportage of Canonists strenuously objecting to the validity of Pope Benedict’s attempted partial resignation from literally within days of the February 11, ARSH 2013 announcement.
49:52 This “expanded Petrine Ministry” error did not just come out of left field. The J. Michael Miller dissertation: “The Divine Right of the Papacy in Recent Ecumenical Theology”. A collection and synthesis of the German theological academy’s plans for fundamentally transforming the Papacy – written in ENGLISH. The footnotes, bibliography and index are priceless.
55:10 The Miller dissertation agonizes of the following terms: “Ius Divinum vs Ius Humanum”, “Irreversible vs Reversible”, “Immutable vs Mutable/Changeable”, “Petrine Office vs Petrine Ministry/FUNCTION”.
57:27 Who are the key players? Kung-Kasper-Rahner-Ratzinger
1:00:39 Chapter 8 opens with Kasper’s quote, “The present crisis of the Papacy is one of legitimation.”
1:02:41 Kilian McDonnell on Walter Kasper’s plans to transform/de facto destroy the Papacy
1:06:10 The explicit distinction in the Miller Thesis between the Petrine Office and Ministry/Function. “The tow realities are, however, conceptually distinct.”
1:09:32 Ratzinger in his book “Salt of the Earth”: “Forms of exercise can change, they will certainly change… What concrete variations emerge I neither can nor want to imagine.”
1:11:40 BUZZWORD: DEMYTHOLOGIZE the Papacy. The Antichurch will need to have all the external appearances of a papacy, but will be devoid of all grace, in order to deceive even the Elect into entering the Antichurch.
1:13:33 The Ganswein Speech
1:18:40 Wherein Ganswein compared Pope Benedict’s partial abdication to the Immaculate Conception
1:20:09 Dissolving the Papacy along the Office-Ministry distinction has been the Freemasonic goal for centuries.
1:20:52 Leo XIII on the known agenda of Freemasonry to destroy the Papacy, and then the Church.
1:22:19 Vatican News quoting Bergoglio naming his agenda as “Humanism of Fraterinty” – the very name of Freemasonry.
1:23:22 The coerced non-abdication exile of Emperor Charles I Habsburg – Blessed Emperor Charles only “renounced participation in state affairs”. He did NOT abdicate.
1:25:42 What does Walter Kasper want? Money and power, specifically from the Lutheran German Church Tax revenues. Freemasonry and satan share Kasper’s goals.
1:26:41 So what probably happened? “Either you let us schism the Church, or we will schism the Church…”
1:30:33 Why does this matter? Why not just wait for Antipope Bergoglio to die? The Truth not only matters, but is the only thing that will set us free. Holding the false premise of Bergoglio ever having been the Pope leads to FALSE SEDEVACANTISM.
1:35:56 Canon 751 the standard of schism is the Roman Pontiff – so who is and is not the Pope CLEARLY matters.
1:36:59 What can be expected from going on offense and confronting the Bergoglian Antipapacy? THE GRACE AND FAVOR OF THE CROSS OF CHRIST.
1:37:55 The Visibility of the Church, the Church in Eclipse (eclipses are highly visible by definition!), and Humility
1:42:50 Conclusion
If I recollect…the last guy to offer veggies as a sacrifice was
We know the rest of that story too~
I think there are quite a few Catholics that, if Jorgé Bergóglio were to place a Golden Calf in St. Peter’s Square, rename the Square “Occult Circle” and call on the Faithful to pilgrimage, bow down and prostrate before the golden idol while Priests danced around it chanting, throwing flowers and occult trinkets in the air … they would. Willingly. Because the Pope said so.
Fr. Harrison (professor emeritus of theology) has stated it is not possible for the Pope to commit heresy. As ultimate arbiter of the Faith he can do, and have us do, anything he pleases unrestrained by Scripture, Dogma, and Sacred Tradition.
We are literally worshipping demons and chanting occult dominion formulas in the Vatican with the Pope and his senior Cardinals participating; said demon placed on St. Peter’s High Altar (!). I don’t think my hypothetical is that far off.
Fantastic Article Mark. Passing it on in within my little band.
The golden calf is not a far-fetched idea. Next week, antipope Bergoglio will have an “interfaith ceremony” at the ziggurat of Ur in southern Iraq. God told Abraham to leave Ur for a reason. This was a pagan site for demon worship and also human sacrifice in ancient Mesopotamia.
Stay confessed.
The most obvious and visible evidence that Jorgé Bergóglio is not now or ever was the Pope is that he is traveling to Ur, committing blasphemy against our Triune God and Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth; enshrines idols and participates in their evil incantations in our holiest of places.
A Pope has not ever done such things. A Pope is Divinely protected and *can not* do such things – this is God’s promise. This man is doing such things. Therefor he cannot be the Pope.
It’s not the only evidence, nor is it the dispositive legal evidence, but it is the most obvious and visible evidence.
Thank you for the best post on this site yet. You will be in my prayers for this.
Have a pleasant evening in Arizona, grandma and I miss the evening sky very much there. They were the best of the best.
Renfrew, Ontario, Canada
why settle for just two ‘popes’ ? why not three or even four popes? in theory, over a dozen or so years, the scenario can develop. so too the argument allowing three or four popes! Crazy? of course… but if we’re to believe PBXVI is no more then it is plausible to accept many popes all alive simultaneously.
Thanks Mark (and Ann). If this piece helps only one Catholic keep the faith, it’s worth it.
Prayers for you and yours per usual.
Thanks Mark (and Ann). If this piece helps even one Catholic keep the faith, it’s worth it.
Prayers for you and yours per usual.
Could you please ask Ann why no recent podcasts?
Mostly logistics
Thanks, Mark. I’m glad she’s led me to you.