FDA releases draft of “vaccine” side-effects, and it’s a doozy

These sound fun. “Deaths” and “birth outcomes” seem especially troublesome.

But not to worry, they promise to keep track of everything.

First on the list is “Guillain-Barré syndrome,” described as “a rare disorder in which your body’s immune system attacks your nerves.” The syndrome has “no known cure” and it mortality rate is “4% to 7%.” 

“Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis,” a “rare inflammatory condition that affects the brain and spinal cord,” is second on the FDA’s list. Third is “Transverse myelitis,” a neurological disorder which inflames the spinal cord, causing “pain, muscle weakness, paralysis, sensory problems, or bladder and bowel dysfunction.”

FDA powerpoint slideshow HERE.

Reportage HERE.

10 thoughts on “FDA releases draft of “vaccine” side-effects, and it’s a doozy”

  1. Be very wary of such lists, even for well established pharmaceuticals. Long term effects of all of the CV-19 vaccines are not known.

    I note it did not mention 97% chance of female sterilisation for the Pfizer CV-19 vaccine.

    18 months ago, I signed a waiver form for triple drug chemotherapy for a male only cancer. It warned of 16 possible side effects. After six months, I had suffered 40 side effects, none of them trivial, including four near death experiences. And the chemotherapy and steroid drugs administered were all long-established, supposedly with well known side effects.

    1. I’m sorry for your illness and your chemo experience. I don’t want to discourage anyone who might be here and facing cancer, but I’ve come to the conclusion that chemo is helpful for some and misery for others.
      Please God your outcome will be good.

  2. You know what jumped out at me? “Vaccine enhanced disease”. That means… drumroll… that getting the ‘vaccine’ makes you MORE likely to catch the disease, and MORE likely to get a worse case of the disease.

    “But muh anti-vaxx! Anti-vaxx is blasphemy against Science!!!1!”

    Sometimes you just want to let people get what they deserve for their stupidity… and then you remember what you’ll be facing if you get what you really deserve for your stupidity. Also the idiots want to drag us all to hell right alongside them.

    1. Yup. Turbocharged pathogen uptake is a known defect of all previous attempts at a coronavax, going back five decades. That’s why we don’t have a vax for Covid-SARS-I.

  3. Reason number 3,542 why I will be homeschooling.

    Allergic reactions are one of the more highlighted side effects so far on various news sites. It’ll be interesting to see what other issues will arise. Like sterilization, or as they’re calling it here “pregnancy outcomes”. Just a simpler way of saying women taking the vaccine will either not be able to get pregnant at all, or perpetually miscarry early on because placental development at the embryonic stage is disrupted. Some of us are trying to leave our family planning up to God, not the state, or NWO, or whatever diabolical forces are on the hook for this.

  4. I like how ‘Deaths’ is just casually slipped in there amongst all the other exotic sounding names that one would have to look up that are the sort of things that will either kill you or make you wish you were dead to that it stops.

  5. Basically if we don’t end up with the Sterilization of Nations, we’ll end up with the Annihilation of Nations. But the former leads to the latter anyway.

  6. I’m sorry for your illness and your chemo experience. I don’t want to discourage anyone who might be here and facing cancer, but I’ve come to the conclusion that chemo is helpful for some and misery for others.
    Please God your outcome will be good.

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