It’s such a swamp.

“That’s right folks, the Facebook executive currently blocking all of the negative evidence of Hunter and Joe Biden’s corrupt activity in Ukraine is the same person who was coordinating the corrupt activity between the Biden family payoffs and Ukraine.”
Links and sources:
And all these republicans, with power to do something are aiding and abetting this farce upon the people, by aiding criminality, and helping to elect a criminal. Paging AG Barr, you are up to bat! As usual, crickets, and nothing will come of it. Pure theatre for the rubes. What is really going on behind the curtain?
The whole establishment is a revolving door of personal favours and blackmail. I recall Facebook itself began as a DARPA project. Little wonder that the establishment permanent government, and members like Barr and many Republicans will all scratch each others backs and maybe at best they’ll issue a few subpoenas and nothing will come of any of it.