Happy Feast of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Today is the Patronal Feast of the SSPX.
At the foot of the Cross, the Mother of God became Our Mother. Remember, Mary was more holy at the moment of her birth than all the saints combined at the moment of their deaths. Yet she only grew in holiness. This happened in many ways throughout her life, but most especially by her Son allowing her to participate in His Passion. Her participation is the only time “compassion” literally took place in the history of the universe. This was an act of love, in both directions.
She is our model, and Our Mother.
She is our model, because she is the epitome of bearing suffering well, ordering suffering towards its rightful object, uniting our suffering to the Cross, participating in our own redemption through the grace of suffering. It is even possible to experience joy through suffering while yet in this life. There is no escaping suffering, because it is for our own good. If you haven’t really experienced it yet, believe me, it’s coming. Get prepared.
She is Our Mother, precisely because her suffering entailed the participation in Christ’s Passion in a real way. Meaning, she suffered with Him every sin ever committed. She knows you, and she wants you to ask for her help. You are never given a burden heavier than you can manage, provided you work with the graces being offered. And guess who mediates all those graces? Yep, your Mother does that.
Pray the Rosary every day.
Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.
Stabat Mater sequence, literal translation:
1. The grieving Mother stood weeping
beside the cross where her Son was hanging
2. Through her weeping soul,
compassionate and grieving, a sword passed.
3. O how sad and afflicted
was that blessed Mother of the Only-begotten!
4. Who mourned and grieved, the pious Mother,
looking at the torment of her glorious Child
5. Who is the person who would not weep
seeing the Mother of Christ in such agony?
6. Who would not be able to feel compassion
on beholding Christ’s Mother suffering with her Son?
7. For the sins of his people
she saw Jesus in torment and subjected to the scourge.
8. She saw her sweet offspring dying,
forsaken, while He gave up his spirit
9. O Mother, fountain of love, make me feel
the power of sorrow, that I may grieve with you
10. Grant that my heart may burn in the love
of Christ my Lord, that I may greatly please Him
11. Holy Mother, grant that the wounds
of the Crucified drive deep into my heart.
12. That of your wounded Son, who so deigned
to suffer for me, I may share the pain
13. Let me sincerely weep with you,
bemoan the Crucified, for as long as I live
14. To stand beside the cross with you,
and to join you in your weeping, this I desire
15. Chosen Virgin of virgins,
be not bitter with me, let me weep with thee
16. Grant that I may bear the death of Christ,
share his Passion, and commemorate His wounds
17. Let me be wounded with his wounds,
let me be inebriated by the cross and your Son’s blood
18. Lest I be set afire by flames of death, Virgin,
may I be defended by you, on the day of judgement
19. Christ, when it is time to pass away, grant that
through your Mother I may come to the palm of victory
20. When my body dies, grant that to my soul
is given the glory of paradise. Amen
Thank you for sharing this.
She is the Mediatrix of all Graces.
Check out the Brigittine Rosary:
Brigittine Crown
The Brigittine Rosary was instituted and propagated by St. Bridget of Sweden and is often all the “Six
Decade Rosary.” The chaplet has three additional mysteries honoring the Blessed Virgin, one additional
mystery for each set of five (joyful, sorrowful, and glorious). It is the traditional habit rosary for the Discalced
Carmelites and a highly indulgenced chaplet.
Why do some rosaries have 6 decades?
Brigittine Rosary consists of six decades. … Seven Pater Noster beads honour the Seven Sorrows of the
Blessed Virgin Mary, and sixty-three Ave Maria beads commemorate the sixty-three years it is believed she
lived on earth before her Assumption.Oct 9, 2017.
Check out the statues of Our Lady of Lourdes….she’s holding a Brigittine Rosary.
The first Glorious Mystery of the Brigittine Rosary is The Patronage of Mary, Queen and Beauty of Carmel and Mediatrix of all Graces.
Our Lady of Sorrows, also known as Our Lady of Compassion, pray for us.