Dr. Mazza interviews Fr. Rutler live today… don’t miss it!

Happy Feast of the Exultation of the Holy Cross!

Fr. George Rutler will be a guest on Dr. Mazza’s radio show today, Noon PDT, 3pm EDT:


They will be discussing Father’s latest book: 


I predict lively conversation. Fr. Rutler’s ability to formulate a devastating argument is nothing less than Inspired. Back when he was pastor at Church of Our Savior, he was always in the box, to my eternal benefit. Let’s just say he had the ability to explain you to yourself such that you walked away with a radical reordering of priorities… things you weren’t even thinking about or knew existed before you walked in. Maybe because it was in the early years of my reversion.

Dr. Mazza is no slouch either, so tune in and enjoy.

10 thoughts on “Dr. Mazza interviews Fr. Rutler live today… don’t miss it!”

  1. Our Savior was beautiful during his years there. We used to attend the 9:00 AM Traditional Mass there. What happened to that Church after he left was criminal.

  2. God bless Father Rutler.

    Pulled this from a January 2, 2017 Remnant article :

    And here’s another hopeful sign: President Donald Trump’s top advisor will be an Irish-American, happily
    married Catholic mother of four who makes breakfast every morning for her kids and then goes to Mass.
    (Rumor has it she attends a TLM.) She’s a daily communicant! (Comment: Hopefully and prayerfully peace
    and harmony will reign in her family as she spends more time with her husband and children after her
    departure from the White House.)

    And there’s more: Kellyanne Conway reportedly took Donald Trump to meet Father George Rutler, the
    Anglican convert priest and pastor of the Church of St. Michael in Mahattan, who blessed the future
    president just days before his election.

    Father Rutler’s sermons and talks give new meaning to the definition of the word elucidate.

  3. Fr. Rutler is a precious gem from God….nobody, I mean N.O.B.O.D.Y. writes, speaks, or thinks like Rutler.
    I had the distinct pleasure of meeting him and shaking his hand once before a lecture….to my eternal shame I’m pretty sure I let out a squeal….just a little one.
    ok, it was probably a little bigger than I thought, but c’mon!…it was Rutler!

  4. NoraLee Klein I didn’t know that Fr. Rutler was no longer there. I do recall reading that what he inherited was a mess and he restored it wonderfully, both materially and spiritually. It saddens me to read what you wrote about his post-departure but doesn’t surprise me.

    My wife and I are in the process of a Novena to St. Jude for our 20 year old niece who has a brain tumor (please keep her in your prayers her name is Ashley). In addition to the Novena we’ve devoted our daily Rosary exclusively to that intention and pray it in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament.

    We are blessed to have an adoration chapel in walking distance from our home. It’s affiliated with a strictly new order parish (I’ve become annoyed at the use of the term “Novus Ordo,” the Latin providing a veneer of ecclesial authenticity and the illusion of continuity, when they have banished the Latin and even sneer at it most everywhere else. “New Order,” not only being consistent with the primacy of the vernacular but also sounding quite masonic, is much more apt).

    Anyway, we went to the chapel an hour or so ago to pray our Rosary and it was locked tight until Thursday because of hurricane Sally. First off we’re not in any danger being a bit west of New Orleans. And second, only the completely faithless would actually CLOSE the adoration chapel wen there is the thought of impending danger.

    I don’t know how anyone can possibly deny that in our time there exists the real Church and the carnival fun house mirror image of the church under the same roof.

    1. Knew nada about Elmer Gantry so did a look up….(see below).

      My knowledge of Father Altman’s background comes from his Taylor Marshall interview: Father Altman revealed that he wanted to marry and have “a bakers dozen” of children. He was a successful attorney (and unlike many attorneys Father Altman loved his chosen profession) active in catechizing and maintaining his parishes Eucharistic Adoration chapel. He admitted that when his law practice geared up he could afford to take some great vacations and owned all of his favorite vehicles. No mention was made of booze, a sole practitioner attorney usually works like a dog so probably no easy money, and my impression of Father Altman is that he’s not a womanizer. Father mentions that his parents live with him in the Saint James rectory.

      I do know that in one of Father Altman’s sermons he refers to Archbishop Charles Chaput as the “great Archbishop.”

      I provided Father Altman with some information about the “great archbishop” including his desire to close another 100 parishes within the Philadelphia Archdiocese, his Sunday evening Mass sermon given in Colorado and witnessed by Ann Barnhardt when Chaput claimed that Catholics and Muslims worship the same God (that was the end of Ann’s Chaput Mass attendance.) The sale of Saint Charles Borremeo Seminary and the bishop’s residence orchestrated by Chaput, the closing and sale of Saint Katherine Drexel Shrine, and Chaput’s mandate that all children attending Archdiocesan schools must be vaccinated with the “flu vaccine” and would admit of no exceptions based up the flu containing elements of fetal tissue/ aborted children. Chaput’s dictate, “Get the vaccine or don’t come to school…no moral or ethical objections will be accepted.” And the The National Catholic Bioethics Center now resides in Philadelphia…imagine that?

      Father Altman referred to Taylor Marshall as his “hero.” Hero? I don’t think so. Taylor Marshall might be a lot of things but I don’t see hero as one of them…Archbishop Lefebvre is hero material.

      However, I don’t think Father Altman’s opinion of Chaput or his hero worship of Taylor Marshall would lead Father Rutler to make the Elmer Gantry comparison.

      Perhaps Father Rutler’s comparison is based upon Father Altman’s evangelistic preaching style…a bit of fire and brimstone? Not a bad thing.

      I hope Father Rutler clarifies.

      This is how I understand Elmer Gantry:

      “Elmer Gantry is a satirical novel written by Sinclair Lewis in 1926 that presents aspects of the religious
      activity of America in fundamentalist and evangelistic circles and the attitudes of the 1920s public toward it.
      The novel’s protagonist, the Reverend Dr. Elmer Gantry, is initially attracted by booze and easy money
      (though he eventually renounces tobacco and alcohol) and chasing women. After various forays into
      evangelism, he becomes a successful Methodist minister despite his hypocrisy and serial sexual

      Elmer Gantry was first published in the United States by Harcourt Trade Publishers in March 1927,
      dedicated by Lewis to the American journalist and satirist H. L. Mencken.”

      1. If you’re interested in old films like I am there was a screen adaptation of the novel in 1960 starring one of my favorites: Burt Lancaster as Elmer Gantry and Shirley Jones as the femme fatale.

    2. Jeeeeze….haven’t listened to the interview yet, but…..daaaaang. I don’t get that at all.
      Fr. Altman’s a hero….not many with his guts and determination to speak the Truth and witness to Christ in clear, plain terms. This is exactly what the world needs today.

  5. Just a side bar Father Altman commentary….

    I was “introduced” to Father Altman’s sermons via email from an acquaintance on May 19th. After listening to his sermon I attempted to email Father and thank him for his courage. No joy….his email address would not accept communications.

    Contacting Saint James by phone I spoke with Maria Stegmeier, the parish secretary / administrative assistant and asked her to convey my appreciation to Father. I also commented that he’s now in a very precarious position with his bishop. Ms. Stegmeier assured me that they’re not worried because they have a good bishop.

    Ms. Stegmeier’s naive assessment of her “good bishop” is an attitude endemic to most N.O Catholics…and Catholics have paid the price for trusting their “shepherds.” May God bless and protect Ms. Stegmeier….especially if she needs her job as secretary.

    I have a number of “trusting your N.O bishops is not a good idea stories” but this is not the place.

    Pray that Father Altman survives his pillory….and prevails.

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