Woopsie! But I guess now that they are trying to call them “Trump’s riots,” we will start to see more of this. Things are going to get very desperate.
Below is the link to the 23 page report. I urge you to click on it and read just the first two pages, where they set the scene in what they must imagine are the most objective of terms. Your mind will be blown. These people are too far gone to even engage in rational discourse, which is a thing they’ve convinced themselves doesn’t exist anyway, because it’s just a racist construct.
Click here are read for two minutes: https://acleddata.com/acleddatanew/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/ACLED_USDataReview_Sum2020_SeptWebPDF.pdf
Portland police declare riot on 100th straight night of protests as ‘fire bombs’ hurled at officers
Police said “fire bombs” were thrown at officers during the protest overnight.
ByMorgan Winsor September 6, 2020, 5:08 AM• 6 min read

Protesters took to the streets for a third night in Rochester, while Portland marked a 100th day of protests and demonstrators in Louisville marched through the city before Kentucky Derby.
The 100th consecutive night of protests in Portland quickly escalated into a riot Saturday as people hurled “multiple fire bombs, mortars, rocks and other items” at officers, police said.
One of the homemade bombs caught a community member RIOTER on fire. Medics offered treatment at the scene, and the injured individual was later taken to a hospital by a private vehicle, according to a press release from the Portland Police Bureau.
“This criminal activity presented an extreme danger to life safety for all community members, and prompted a declaration of a riot,” the law enforcement agency said in a statement early Sunday.
More than 50 people were arrested overnight, including at least two who were clad in body armor. One individual was armed with a dagger while another had a knife, police said. The names of those arrested and their charges were not immediately released.