Portland antifa thugs torched PPD’s North Precinct Sunday night. The riot started around 10:35pm, and lasted into Monday morning.
“The demonstration “forced the assistance of about 35 officers from patrol, severely limiting 911 call response. As the riot was ending, there were 80 calls holding in the city, ranging from shots fired, car crashes, welfare checks, priority threats, missing persons, and more,” police said.”
How long before additional criminals figure out the cops are too busy with riots in the city, and don’t have the personnel to patrol the residential neighborhoods? What could go wrong?
Leave the city, go, do whatever you need to to! get out of the zombie infested cities. You can if you need to. Jingle your keys to the bank, short sell your loans, return the truck, liquidate the trash you have, move mister, now! The health of your family depends on it. Find sanity island. It is over, your dream, find God now. Get out!
By all means, leave. But leave your voting habits in the smoldering ruins you left behind, please.
Not sure about the voting part, but in retrospect, my feet have done a better job than the brain.
…and if you are serious, just for your winter reading.
Have a pleasant evening.