Antipope Bergoglio: True discipleship requires freeing yourself from Doctrine

Offered without comment.

“Christian identity isn’t a card that says: “I am a Christian,” an identity card, no. It’s discipleship. If you remain in the Lord, in the Word of the Lord, in the life of the Lord, you will be a disciple. If you don’t remain in Him, you will be one that sympathizes with the Doctrine, that follows Jesus as a man that does so much charity, who is so good, who has right values; however, discipleship is in fact the true identity of a Christian. And it’s discipleship that will give us freedom: a disciple is a free man because he remains in the Lord. And, what does it mean to “remain in the Lord”? It means to allow oneself to be guided by the Holy Spirit.  The disciple allows himself to be guided by the Spirit; therefore, a disciple is always a man of tradition and of novelty, he is a free man — free, never subject to ideologies, to doctrines within the Christian life, doctrines that can be argued . . . he remains in the Lord, it is the Spirit that inspires.

Sorry, it’s not an April Fools’ joke.

5 thoughts on “Antipope Bergoglio: True discipleship requires freeing yourself from Doctrine”

  1. This is click bait. It can be argued that he is not talking about dogma, but the “doctrine” that Christ is not actually God. I do not like Bergoglio and mostly doubt he is a true Pope, but this bit of sensationalism is just nonsense.

  2. Mr. Shaver, with all due respect that one can possibly muster in these confusing, dark days; Mr. Docherty is NOT into “Trad Inc’s” tactic of click bait. How about you run along and go visit 1P5, Remnant or Taylor Marshall with your accusations.

  3. St Francis di Paola
    Thursday of Passion Week MMXX A. D.


    Where’s the party?

    During Easter we will have, God willing–two great fiestas, celebrations in which to join and partake.
    1. The earthly birthday of Pope Benedict precisely two weeks from today: 16th of April falling this year on Easter Thursday. Time to join the Holy Father in raising a good Bavarian beer in his honor, and to storm Heaven with prayers for his well being.
    2. Even more significantly, it will be the Fifteenth Anniversary of the Accession to the Papacy of Pope Benedict XVI.
    Celebrations are in order. Despite the exile of the man. Calls too for the return of the Pope. Prayers for his wellbeing. For while he breathes he is yet Pope, and in the mysterious designs of God, it would appear that Pope Benedict doubtless still has a role–and one of much suffering–to play, more especially in these evil times.
    He loves much. And our Blessed Mother will not abandon him, or us.
    “Rejoice, O Virgin Mary, for thou alone hast destroyed all heresies.”

  4. This particular garbage spewed from Antipope Bergoglio and probable forerunner of the false prophet of the Antichrist makes it clearer how so many will be fooled by antichrist; e.g. chrismatics, Prots, spiritual but not religious types…..

    Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

    Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

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